February 3

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Rukia POV

Today, once again, I got a pink heart shaped piece of paper. It had the letter 'C' written on it. I sighed. These pieces of papers were becoming a nuisance. I placed the paper heart in my bag. I'd probably like it more if it was chappy shaped...

I wanted to talk to Ichigo today. It seemed he has been avoiding me slightly, and he's been with Orihime a lot more... It made me cringe, and I didn't like it one bit. I wanted to ask him what 'Valentine' was, since I know he would be the one to tell me, no questions asked. Also, I wanted to show him the annoying paper hearts. Maybe he'd know what they were.

During lunch I went to Ichigo's usual spot, but he wasn't there. I walked around looking for him, the paper hearts in my hand, and finally, I saw him. My heart sunk to my stomach. Orihime had her arms wrapped around his neck. What?!?! Why? And why am I feeling like this? I ran to my tree. I needed to be alone with my thoughts. What is wrong with me??

Orihime POV

I made sure to talk and be around Ichigo as much as I can, while making sure to keep Rukia away as well. I've noticed the slight jealous look on her face. I'm not trying to make her jealous, I just want Ichigo to be my Valentine, so he can finally open his eyes. I was sitting with him during lunch, telling him that I could walk with him to school. He was eating his lunch, but I know he was listening to me because he kept saying 'Mmhm' to everything. I smiled and looked at him with dreamy eyes. He's such a good listener!

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