February 14

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Rukia POV

I woke up so gittery. Like I said, I got the letter 'I' today in pink. I tried to desperately to hide my smile the whole day in class, and I kept sneaking glances at Ichigo. I would catch him looking at me from the corner of my eye.

When everyone was getting there lunch ready, I excitedly walked over to Ichigo. Orihime handed him a heart shaped box of chocolates and hugged him tightly. My heart sunk. It looked like he was hugging her back. What were the annoying hearts for?? Was it just a joke? I'm such a fool!! Someone like him would never do something like that! It was just a prank!! Ichigo broke from the hug, a piece of chocolate was in his mouth. He walked out of the class room with his lunch, not saying a word to me. Orihime followed behind. I walked slowly to my tree, my head faced the ground. The paper hearts were in one hand, my lunch in the other. I was planning on ripping them all to peices. When I got to my tree, Orihime walked passed me, she was in tears. Huh? Then I saw Ichigo holding a huge bouquet of red roses, sitting in my usual spot. I was confused. He smiled. I frowned. "What are you doing here??" I said agressivly.

"Happy Valentines Day." he said getting up and handing me the bouquet of flowers.

"This... is for me??" I asked surprised.

"Well... Uhh... If- if you don't... Ummm..." he was blushing like crazy. He rubbed the back of his head.

"I thought you and Orihime were..." my voice trailed off as I saw a small Chappy in his hand.

"Oh... yeah. She's been following me around this whole month. I didn't know why until I realized she wanted to be my Valentine. I turned her down and she started crying." I started laughing. He looked at me confused.

"Why are you laughing??" he asked.

"So you haven't been listening to her talk to you this whole time?" I said. "So how come you were hugging?" I asked.

"Hugging? I wasn't hug- ohhhh." he chuckled slightly. He was still blushing. He ran his finger through his hair. "I was eating the chocolate she gave me." He said so nonchalantly. There was silence for a short moment. "Will you be my Valentine?" I smiled.

"Yes." I said. He placed the bouquet by the tree and brought me onto his lap. "Wait... How come I got two hearts the first day?"

"Because there are fourteen days, and fifteen letters, including the dash." He said.

"The dash?" He took the paper hearts and arranged the 'minus sign' to where it goes, also putting spaces between the words. 'I LOVE YOU - ICHIGO' I smiled. He even thought about putting a dash... "You should of given me the hearts in order."

"Yeah. I know, it got mixed up in my bag, and I didn't have time to arrange them right. I've been going to school early so I could put the hearts on your desk, and that's what was in my bag that day." He brought me closer to him. He leaned towards me and kissed my forhead. "I love you." He said.

"I love you to." I replied with a smile. We hung out by the tree where no one else was but us, until lunch ended.



"Happy Valentines Day."


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