At Rika's ship and A passionate kiss from?!

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We're on our way to Captain Alan's ship.

"I get seasick really easily! I'm gonna be throwin' up like hell if you take me to your ship." I tried to convince Captain Alan to let me go

"I don't care. I'll catch it with my hands..." he said. Yuck!

"See? I'm a sweet guy regardless of what I do." Captain Alan brought his face nearer..

Disgusting! He's a real pervert..

"Our ship is more comfortable than Sirius!" Alan proclaimed. I just stayed quiet

Damn. Our guys must be on his ship right now... Oh, I know! I can create a commotion to let 'em know we're there!

-At the Rika-

"Uuhhhh! I mean it! I'm gonna throw up!" I shouted, desperate. We're already at the ship, OMG,

"Ha? The ship isn't rollin' at all." Captain Alan said,

"No, it is, slightly...Uwaah!" I acted like I was gonna throw up

"Hmm...Yer really cute." He smiled

Huh? Just what kind of guy is he? I'm confused!

"Oh, look! Look, Captain Alan! What a beautiful moon!" I tried acting like a weirdo, hope it works.

"What's goin' on...Yer strange."

"You're right! I'm strange! Veeerry weird!--Whaa-!?"

Yuck! Captain Alan suddenly licked my neck!

"I love a strange, weird woman." He said with a grin

Aww, it backfired...I haven't the slightest idea what he doesn't like. I just sighed about that thought.

-At his room-

"Here is booze and fruit." He said while handing it to me. "What if I dish up the fruit on yer body..."
Uh, He's sniffing at me..

"Mmm, ya smell nice. And yer skin is smooth like marble." He rubbed my cheek

"Yer lips must taste great." Alan said while squeezing my lips with his fingers...!

No..! I don't want anybody to touch me except for Eduardo... Help!



"Russell! Thomas!" Now I can see the light of hope

"Are ya OK? Did he do somethin' to ya!?" Fuzzy arrived and asked me, worried

"He did plenty already..."

"My, my. Intruders." Alan said

"Yer the intruder. Ya snuck onto our ship and kidnapped Thomas!!" Russell shouted angrily

Captain Alan just stared at Fuzzy

"Fuzzy..Aren't ya with us any longer?" Alan asked

"Sirius never hurts commoners...never attacks ships except fer pirates..I can't stand the way ya do things anymore!" Fuzzy admitted


"Hmph. Suit y'self. As ya all know, I'm a generous man...Ya can have that trainee lad back, too" He said

Captain Alan drew my shoulders closer..

"But I'll keep this one." Alan said with his arms wrapped around my shoulders

"What?! Why!?" Russell asked

"Why even ask?... It's cause I don't wanna let ya go." He while looking at me.

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