Storm and The Skull Island

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Three days since we left Popo Island.

"Listen up everybody! Listen carefully! We'll be on the Skull tomorrow. Get yourselves ready." Captain said in a serious tone for once.

"Aye aye, Captain!" 

"Thomas, Russell! Make sure yer always watchin'." Eduardo said

"Yeah! Leave it to us." Russell answered. "Yo, Eduardo, don't make any mistakes navigatin'."

"Ya fool." Eduardo said

"I hafta prepare bandages and disinfectant for the landing at the skull. Can you give me a hand, Stephanie?" Christopher asked


"Stephanie, can ya help me organize the storage after yer done?" Thomas asked


"Hey, I need ya to mop the deck with me." Russell asked

"All right!"

"Can ya peel the potatoes?" Nathan asked

"No problem!"

Whew, I think I'll be pretty busy today. I need to help everyone.

"....All rejected, she's scheduled to assist me with the navigation." Eduardo said

Or so I thought.

"Eduardo! You just want Stephanie all fer yourself!" Russell complained

"That's right! Yer surprisingly jealous, Eduardo." Thomas said

"Haha! Who would've thought Eduardo would go crazy for such a sweet young thing." Captain teased.

"Whatever. I don't care what ya say." Eduardo decided to ignore them

"Ah, so you're finally able to speak about the wonders of love, Eduardo." Captain said, looking serious. "Great! We should have a party t' celebrate tonight!" He sure does shift gears quickly.

Eduardo just ignored him and took me to help.


"Can I really help out at the helm?" I asked Eduardo

"I'll train you." He said. "...You know, You gotta watch out fer them askin' too much of you." 


"Nothin'. Take your position now." He said


"Let's start at step one. If the wheel's a clock, keep your hands at 10:10"

"Yes sir!"

"You! Your hand's on 10:20. Correct that now!" He seems really serious about this..

Eduardo... his eye's are so different than usual. Just like a drill sergeant.

"Next, when you want the ship to turn to the left.. say 'Hard a starboard' loud and turn the rudder to the left." He instructed

I gave it a try.

"Hard a starboard" I tried shouting


"Hard a starboard!" I shouted as loud as I can

"...Your voice is too hyper. Once more!"

"Hard a starboard!"

"Hm. Not bad. Now turn the rudder."

I tried to but, "Eh..?" It won't turn

"Lemme see. Do it like this." Edaurdo is holding the rudder from behind me, as if embracing me

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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