This Feeling...

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Here is another chapter! This episode is awesome, I'm tellin' ya!! Hahahaha!! XD *crazy*

Anyways, please enjoy! ^_^


Next day, we came to a port

"Whoa! The air of the town!" Russell shouted, happily

"It's so cheerful with all the stores and people!" I shouted, smiling

Eduardo stayed silent

"Eduardo?" I asked

"...Did Fuzzy go shopping?" Eduardo asked

"Yeah. She said she wanted to buy a dress..." I said

"Why didn't you go with her?" Eduardo asked

(Hmm...He's been kinda cold since we got to the port...)

"Let's go t' the bar! They've got booze, gamblin', women and everythin'!" Captain shouted excitedly

(Booze, gamblin',women...)



"Hey,aren't they pirates? Look at the tattoo. Gotta be Sirius..." one man said

"Ya kiddin'? Sirius's here in our town!?" the other man said

(So everybody knows Sirius...)

"Hey, handsome! Won't you come in?" I heard a woman shouted

"Oh, what a nice lady! Allright. I'll come with ya!" Captain said

"Whoa, it's a big bar. Can't compare with the one I used to work..." I said

Eduardo looked away

(It's not my imagination...Eduardo hasn't even looked at me. We were getting along yesterday. What's going on...?)


"Hiii!!!! You are real pirates! I heard pirates are rich!" the waitress said

"All my treat. Eat and drink as much as ya want!" Captain said

" You're so generous! And you're all handsome!" the waitress said

"I'm the best, ha!" Russell said, confidently

"Haha! Tell me stories about many countries!" one of the woman said

"Hey, can I have some booze with ya?" other woman said

"I want some,too!" other women came rushing to them

(Wow. So many women came rushing to them...)

"Whoa. They're so popular..." I muttered

"...Humph. These're all after our money" Nathan said

(After money...but, Captain looks so happy holding women by his side...)

"What's that bag?" Nathan asked

"I'm stocking up on candies and chocolate. Captain gave some pay..." I said

"Some pay...You're quite the crew member" Nathan smiled

(Crew member...)

"Hi! You with the bandana! Why don't ya join us?" one of the women said

"You with the eyepatch, sexy and cute!" the woman said


(Ow... These women pushed me away...)

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