Chapter 5

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A/N: this is gonna be a longer chapter with a lot of gore. There will also be a few POV changes cause I thought it went well together. Enjoy.


*Derp's POV*

~Few Hours Later~

After a fairly long jog, I came across a village, not the one that Ian's bakery was in, someone there could recognize me. I remained in the trees for a moment, as I put my hood up hiding my face. I walked out to the middle of the village, the town square with my hand on the hilt of my sword. It didn't take long for a worthless money stealer to notice me. He walked over to me and tried to get a look at my face. "Excuse me, sir, can I help you?" He asked.

"Yes... You can." I replied evilly but he was too dim-witted to catch on.

"Ok, but first, can I interest you in buying a map? Only three emeralds!" He said cheerfully.

Irritated, in a flash I whipped out my sword, stabbing him in the chest making my hood fall back. He looked at me, his eyes wide with terror. I grinned. "Screw your maps... You can help me have a good time though..." I hissed, twisting my sword slowly. He screamed in pain but suddenly stopped when I thrust it out his heart with it. Blood spurted from the wound getting all over me as the money stealer slumped to the ground on my foot. I kicked him, hard enough and far enough that he landed in the towns well. All the other money stealers looked in my direction. I began to laugh, at first and eerie chuckle, as the town was filled with silence, but it soon grew into a full fledged, crazed laugh. The outside of my vision started to turn red as I whipped my head towards the other money stealers. "What's the matter?! Are you afraid to die!!?" I cried.

None of them replied. The weak spineless fools, they all just looked at me in terror. I laughed crazily again as an old man and his dog came towards me. "Get out of our village, monster." He hissed while his dog growled. I couldn't reply, I just kept laughing, so the man nodded at his dog. It barked and lunged at me teeth bared, but in one quick slice of my sword, I cut the creature in half. (farlan style or Marco style? ... No? Sorry.) It whimpered and whined in agony and I gave it one quick sharp kick to the head snapping it's neck.

The owner looked at me and his once loved companion in horror. And before he could say a word, I slit his throat in one clean slash causing him to cough and choke on blood. I continued laughing as his blood spurted from the slash getting all over my face and clothes. I grinned as laughed maniacally and my vision turned red. I can't explain what happened next... But it was fun.

*Narrator's POV*

The villagers all stared at Derp in horror. His blue irises had turned a dark crimson with a crazed and blood lust, as more blood was splattered on his hands. The villagers screamed and scrambled going to run or hide from the crazed murderer. Only Derp was very fast when he was in kill mode. Faster then any villager could hope to run. He chased those who tried to leave the village. Killing them before they could escape. Once he'd murdered all the runners, he began on those who were in their homes. Breaking down doors leaving no survivors.

The last house in the village was different from the others, the way it was built and the doors weren't barricaded or locked. He walked upstairs and down the hall, into the bedroom. He grinned evilly as he saw someone he recognized laying in the bed, fast asleep. Sandy blonde hair, white headphones with music on blocking out the noise, and a light blue t-shirt with a unicorn on it. Derp decided to make this kill... A little more interesting.

*Derp's POV*

I walked into the bedroom of the oddball house in the village, red still clouding my vision but beginning to fade. I saw the familiar figure asleep on his bed. Headphones on, unable to hear the screams from outside. I walked over to then, raising my sword and stabbing them in the arm. He screamed in pain and his eyes bolt open at the sharpness of my blade. He threw off his headphones and grabbed the wound with his other hand. He stared up at me with his leafy green eyes full of fear and confusion. This was almost too perfect. I grinned maliciously. "Hello Crainer."


A/N: hey there guys! This probably isn't as long as you were hoping for but hey I double updated today so yay. But I'll continue this in the next chapter either later today or tomorrow. These were supposed to come out yesterday but I got called into work early and well yeah. So sorry!

Actually I'll let you guys decide, comment if you want the chapter today or later in the week and I'll get on it! But yeah! Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys later.

Buh bye...


*fades into the shadows*

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