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Nikki Bella's Point of View

I actually thought about it. Should I let John meet this baby when it's born? I mean it's his kid. If he actually wants to be in his or her life then I should let him because he's probably not going to have any other kids.

I should talk to Seth about this right?

"Seth!" I called his name down the stairs. He was probably watching television or something. I waited a couple of minutes and he came through the doorway of my bedroom. 

"Yeah Nik?" He says in a questioning tone. 

"I'm considering maybe letting John see the baby. I mean he did ask me." I say to him and his look turns into a shocked face but then back to an emotionless face.

"Maybe you should. Those are his kids, to be fair." Seth says and I think it over for a second. I look up at him. 

"I think I will." I say and he walks back down the stairs to go back to whatever he was doing before.


Later that night I text John.

Nicole: I'll let you be in the baby's life as long if you still want to.

John: Of course I still want to

I put my phone down and sigh then pick it back up and call Brie. "Hello?" I hear on the other line. 

"Bryan?" I question. "Where's Brie?" I ask him.

"She went to the mall and she forgot her phone." He says and hangs up. I sigh and just lay there. Bryan is no help. Brie isn't there. I can't talk to Seth about John, because obviously it makes him feel awkward. I'm all alone in this little world we call Earth.


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