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Nikki Bella's Point of View

"Nicole!" I hear Seth's voice calling from downstairs. I throw my phone that I was scrolling through to the side. I walk downstairs and see Seth and Stephanie McMahon.

"Yeah Seth?" I say nervously. Why is Stephanie here?

"Stephanie wanted to talk to you, she came this morning but you were still asleep." Seth says. I sit down across from Stephanie on one of the armchairs.

"Nikki, I understand that you are 5 months pregnant." She says and I nod. "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to give you a suspension from WWE for a year for not telling us."

"Stephanie please, I can't be out of work for a whole year." I beg. "I need to support my baby."

"I'm sorry but that's the consequences for not telling your employer." Stephanie says "Seth, I expect you at the next live show." Seth nods and let's Stephanie out.

He walks back over to me. "I'm sorry Nikki." He hugs me tightly and I sigh and go back upstairs to my room. I scroll through Twitter and then Instagram. Everybody else is having such a fine time, while I'm here. Pregnant and jobless for a year.

I called John and it took forever, but he answered. "What do you want Nicole?" He says.

"John, I just wanted to tell you, I'm pregnant with your baby. I know you don't want kids, but I thought you should know anyways." I say to him.

"Oh god. I'm sorry Nikki. How many months along are you?" He asks.

"5 and a half." I say. He sighs on the other line.

"Nikki, I really didn't want kids, but if you don't mind, I want to be there for this baby." John says.

"I don't know John. Seth is here for me." I say and bite my lip.

"Rollins? You're staying you Rollins?" John sounds pissed off and I sigh.

"Yeah. You kicked me out! Seth welcomed me in and he's been such a sweetheart. John, if you don't remember you said you were done with me. I'm with Seth now." I say and hang up. John tries to call back but I just ignore it. God. He's the one that threw me out and the one who decided to end this thing we had. But I don't care anymore. I have Seth and he's such a sweetheart and he actually cares about me.


Author's Note:

DRAMA! This chapter is dedicated to -slaynikki, if you want a chapter dedicated to you, please comment and vote! c: ~Brianna

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