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Nikki Bella's Point of View

During the next 4 months, it was becoming impossible to do anything. My stomach was huge and I knew as soon as I hit my 9th month, that I was gonna pop any day. "ARGH!" I let out a groan.

"Nikki, are you ok?" Seth asks. I nod slowly and groan again. 

"Seth, I think I'm in labor." I say and he starts to panick. He gets me into the car and drive to the hospital fast.


10 hours later, I gave birth to a little girl that I decided to name Violet. "She's beautiful." Seth mutters and holds her. He hands her to me and I look into her eyes and start talking.

"Baby girl, you are the most important thing in my life now. I love you so much." I say to her and she lets out a little cry. I hold her closely and smile.


My sister, mother and brother come to visit me while I'm in the hospital, my mother ecstatic about having a grandchild. I'm so happy to have my own little family. Me, Seth and Violet Ann Colace-Garcia. 


A/N: Hey guys! Just a little filler before we get some more drama in! ~Love Brie

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