Snow Balz Fights and Fun

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Devin's POV

Balz isn't light. He looks like he would be, but he's not. I learned that the hard way. The show we played went well. Once all of our stuff was packed and cleaned up, I went and waited for all of us to get in the van. After we had been on the road for a bit, I got my pill bag out and took my normal pills. Once I had those downed, I took a sleeping pill and lay down. When it finally started to kick in, I felt calmer and closed my eyes.

When I woke up, it was bright out. Rubbing at my eyes, I looked at the clock on my phone. It was a little after 9. Sitting up, I noticed that we were stopped. Instead of getting out of the van, I put my head back down and close my eyes. Other than my stomach feeling like shit, I felt better than I had in days. Sleep is beautiful. Taking my normal pills, I waited for everyone to return.

It took maybe 10 minutes, but they returned. "Hey see if he's still asleep." I heard as they opened the door. Pretending to sleep, I waited until someone crawled in near me. Sensing them, I opened my eyes and sat up really fast. Ricky fell backwards and squeaked in fright. It was hilarious. I starting laughing so hard I started to cry.

Balz, who saw, was laughing as well. He high fived me. I laughed at Balz laughing at Ricky. For some reason, I kept laughing and I didn't stop. After five minutes, I stopped. Catching my breath, I calmed down.

"Y'know something Balz, I don't think I've driven yet." I said to him.

"And I'm okay with it remaining that way." He replied.

"Fuck you." He smiled and said, "any time."

Shoving him, I laid back down. "Where the hell are we?" I asked.

"Somewhere really cold. There's snow out there." Ricky answered from somewhere from the front of the van.

I hummed in response. Sitting up, I looked out the window and watched the scenery as we drove. We drove for several more hours before we stopped again at a rest stop. Ricky drank like three massive cups of coffee, and had to pee very badly; we knew he had to pee because he kept declaring it.

Getting out of the van, I walked around. It was quiet and calm out here. Snow squishing under my feet, I grabbed a handful and formed a snowball. I hid behind a garbage can and waited for an innocent victim. Balz just so happened to be the victim that I nailed in the face with the snowball. "IT'S SO ON SOLA." He shouted before chucking a snowball. Our snowball fight became a full on war when we missed each other and started to hit the rest of the guys.

I was running from Ryan who had a shit ton of snow in his hands, when I slipped and fell on my back. Getting up, I scrambled away from him before he could drop it on me. Hiding in the bathroom, I waited a few more minutes before exiting. As I walked out, I heard, "READY, AIM, FIREEEEE." Before I was then pelted with snowballs. Using my arms to defend me, I tried to run away. I got maybe ten feet from them when my ankle, my bad ankle I mind you, gave out. Asphalt was soon getting closer and before I could blink, I was on the ground, face first.

The pain I felt was immediate. My ankle had a hot burning sensation, as did my face. Everything hurt. I could hear the guys laughing at me, I mean it probably was pretty funny, but their laughter soon became more and more distant. Hands grabbed at me and told me not to fall asleep, but sleep sounded pretty nice right about now. The voices began to fade, and the last face I saw belonged to Chris. In his eyes, I saw worry, and something I couldn't figure out.

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