I Believe In Loving you At First Sight

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Devin's POV

Chris and I had dated for the next year. In that year, we had our ups and our downs but it was still really great. Thanks to his suggestion of getting a bone from a dead guy, I mentioned it to my doctors and they did it. I had to go to physical therapy and wasn't able to walk normally for the longest time but I did eventually be able to walk normal. Balz teases me and says I have a dead guy in me.

Chris kisses my scar and calls it his little idea. We did more touring and then went into the studio to work on our next album. I loved the last album but this next one was even better than the previous. What I loved the most was that we all put in on the next album, we all wrote lyrics, we all wrote riffs, and we did it together. We even did the album artwork.

Chris and I were read to announce our relationship to the world. After many years of keeping our relationship private, we announced it so we could be open about it in public. We'd hid it pretty well but people often questioned it at times. We always denied it in public, but in private we'd reassure each other that we loved each other.

It was actually Chris's idea to finally go public. He'd wanted to keep is quiet for the longest time but he was finally ready to say he loved me, in front of the world.

We were at the Alternate Press Music Awards. I was nominated for best bassist, and the band was also nominated for several other categories. When we won one award, Chris said, "I'd like to thank my best friends up here for working with me and my crazy ideas, and saying fuck it lets do it, to whatever I suggested. I also want to thank my amazing Boyfriend, Ghost. He's stuck by be for the longest time and he puts up with me and still loves me. Thank you everyone for voting, you're the best!" he said.

We thanked everyone on social media before logging out for a few weeks. Everything on twitter hit the fan. A lot of people called us fags while others called us brave for coming out as a couple at an award show on live TV. Either way, I was glad we were finally able to go on dates in public and not worry about people spreading rumors and stuff.

Sure, there was a lot of hate, but we simply blocked people and or logged off of social media until it would go away. We were happy and in love.

Part of me wanted to just elope and Marry Chris but that first involved one of us proposing. In my mind, I thought of Chris as the more Dominant one in our relationship. He protected me and kept me safe. I also didn't think I could propose. I knew he'd say yes but it was something that I wasn't sure I could do. I loved him more than anything, but finding the words to say it and ask for his hand in marriage, was something I don't think I could do. What I ended up telling myself was that in the next three months, if he doesn't propose, I will.
Only time would tell who end up proposing.

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