I Contemplated My Options

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Devin's POV

Sunday came faster than I had wanted it to. However, dressing Ricky up however I pleased was something I did look forward to. I was torn between being nice and dressing him normal, and or dressing him in a dress. The crueler side of me sided with a more feminine outfit. Picking out an outfit for him, I had him wearing tight jeans, and a shirt that was just a random black shirt. I then curled his hair for shits and giggles. When I did his makeup, I did it in a non-gothic way. It was beyond difficult to not giggle at him. Wearing my LA Kings Jersey, I matched it with black converse and jeans. My makeup was simple and basic.

Making Ricky drive, I took pictures of him and snapchated them. When we got to the barbeque, everyone loved Ricky's new look. The barbeque its self was fun. I saw people I hadn't seen in a long time, people like the guys' girlfriends, old friends and new. Sneaking yet another picture of Ricky, I posted it on instagram and tagged him in it. He got super annoyed with me. As I was walking past the pool to the ice chest to get another water, Ricky grabbed me, I. He was going to push me in the pool, that much I could tell, but I pushed him in first. In a lame attempt to get my phone out of my pocket, I tossed it aside and tried to take the jersey off so it wouldn't be ruined. I got it off just as Ricky grabbed my leg and yanked me in. Falling into the pool, I inhaled a shit ton of water.

As I resurfaced, I coughed up all the water. Instead of getting out, I stayed in the pool despite how tight my jeans were with them being soaked. The rest of the guys joined us after taking their socks and shoes off. We swam for a long time and had fun. Swimming to the bottom of the pool, I sat down at the middle and held my breath. The pool's deepest end was only 6 feet and I was in the 5. My lungs ached for air but I refused to resurface, I liked it down here. When someone yanked me up by my arm, and made way to the surface, I was irritated.

"What the hell man?" I asked.

"I should ask you that. You were down their for like literally 5 minutes. We thought you were dead or something." Chris said.

"Well I wasn't."

"Don't get pissy with me, I was trying to lookout for you."

"Do me a favor, leave me alone." I said before swimming to the edge and getting out.

As I grabbed a towel of the lawn chair, I went to the bathroom. Washing off my makeup, I dried my hair with the towel. My skinny jeans were soaked to the bone and beyond uncomfortable but there was no way in hell that I would take them off. Not with my scars. Most of them had faded, except for a few, like the first ones and some of the ones Liam inflicted. Seeing them on my skin was more of a depressing reminder of my past, so I tried to not look at them.

"Have fun in the pool? Such a shame your little boyfriend pulled you up, I was hoping the water would fill your lungs and suffocate you like these prison walls suffocated me. I hope you are happy."[Sent from Unknown at 7:57 PM]

Came across my screen as I was walking back outside. Dropping my phone, the screen shattered into a million pieces. I literally did not give a fuck at the moment. Liam fucking found a way to contact me he's watching me. Balz laughed and said, "What did Ghosty see a ghost."

I couldn't even begin to answer him. My mind was all over the place. It was going through fear, panic and disbelief all at once. It wasn't until Ricky called my name again did I realize everyone was staring at me. Kicking my phone into the pool, I grabbed my jersey and sprinted out of there as fast as I could.

The guys called out my name but I refused to stop running. Ryan just so happened to live like 30 minutes from my house, and that was driving. It also happened to be sometime after 8. Finding just enough money in my wallet for a bus ticket, I got on and went wherever it took me for a while, until it reached its last stop, my stop. Looking around, I was beyond observant. Going to my door, I quickly opened the door and went inside.

"Miss me Bitch?"

Fear coursed through my veins. Gulping, I turned on the light. There sat Liam on my couch.

"I hope you don't mind, I've made myself comfortable."

"Get the hell out. You belong in prison."

"You belong 6 feet under ground, but we don't get what we want."

Backing up to the door, I went to open it.

"Now I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said as he stood and walked to me and grabbed my arm tightly and pinned me to the door.

"Why not?" I said as I tried to pull my body out of his grip. He grabbed me tighter and grabbed me by my throat. Lifting me up, I struggled to breathe.

"Well, let's see, I found you once, got into YOUR house and I haven't gotten caught." I struggled against him harder and he continued on, "Watch it Bitch, would you like your band mates to come home to an apartment with the blood of those they love everywhere, because that CAN be arranged?"

Spitting in his face, he dropped me. Picking me up by my shirt, he backhanded me, so hard that I fell down once again. Kicking me in the ribs, he asked again, "Like I said, would you like your band mates to come home to an apartment with the blood of those they love everywhere, because that CAN be arranged?"

"No." I answered in defeat.

"So this is what's going to happen. You are going to call one of them, and you are going to tell them that you quit. Then you are going to move out of here, and you are not going to let them find you. Then, you forget about what this life was, it will never exist again. So pack a bag, babe, we're going on vacation. And don't think you will ever escape me. I will always find you and have my way. Just when you think you are finally safe, I will show up. You will never be safe. NEVER." Getting up, I had a million thoughts running through my mind, but one was the most protruding, Chris.

Nodding to him, I then went to the bathroom and bedroom. I contemplated my options. I could down a bottle of pills and hope it either kills me before Liam hurts me, or I kill him myself. Knowing my options, I silently hoped things would work in my favor.

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