Your Date Awaits, Mr. Motionless

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Chris's POV

A few weeks passed from the incident with Sarah. She has been long gone and things have been going great. That night, I totally knew that the next relationship that I wanted to be in was one with Devin. Of course, I needed time from getting out of that previous relationship because I didn't want Devin to think that he was a rebound. He wasn't. He was one of the people I loved, and never stopped. He was whom I thought about most.

The shows have gone amazingly. Slipknot was fucking awesome and that right there is enough explanation. We were doing a stadium tour, and as much as it was hard to get personal with the crowd, it was amazing. It was literally a dream come true. The guys from slipknot were down to earth. We knew Clown from our America music video, but it was cool seeing him all the time. Corey was honestly a great person. I'd read his book, "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Heaven, or How I Made Peace With Over Zealots."It was a good book. I definitely wanted to go into some haunted places with him.

Devin and I were in a weird place. We had yet to say anything, but we had been closer. He'd crawl into my bunk during the nighttime and I'd wake up with him beside me. When I wrapped my arms around him, I didn't feel all of his bones like I did when we were younger. It made me so proud of him and his recovery. He has his moments, but in those moments, I still loved him the same.

Stretching, I got up from the couch and went to the fridge. Grabbing a water bottle, I opened it and drank some before putting it on the counter and going to the bunk area. It was 11 in the morning, and only two of my band mates were awake: Ryan and Vinny. Looking in my bunk, I saw Devin clutching my blanket and wrapping himself in it. It was honestly so fucking cute, that I took a picture and set it as my background on my phone. I internally debated whether or not to wake him. I knew that if I didn't, he'd probably be awake later tonight. But I also knew that if I woke him now, I risked a chance of him being cranky with me for a bit.

Cranky Devin now, or Cranky Devin later, I asked myself. Deciding I'd rather deal with it when I was not tired, I made my choice. Gently shaking his shoulder I said, "Devvy. Devvviiinnn. It's time to get up."

He slowly opened his eyes after I gently shook him again. "But chrisssss, I wanna sleep morreee." He said before closing his eyes again. "Devin. Come on. Its 11 am." He opened his eyes and sighed. "Fine. But Y'know what. You owe me a date now. That's right Cerulli, you, me, dinner."

Smiling I said, "I'm not complaining. I get to take this sexy man out by the name of Devin. Or how the world normally calls him, Ghost."

He smiled and said, "Y'all call me Devin more, which makes no sense in a way. The public calls me ghost and y'all call me Devin. They think y'all call me ghost, but ya don't."

"I heard your Texas there for a moment." I said laughing.

He flipped me off and said, "That's what you get when you wake me up so fucking early."

"It's 11." I countered.

He flipped me off again. Laughing I said, "it's cute. Anyways, were would Mr. Sola like me to take him to dinner?"

"He wants wings and some lemonade. You get Mr. Sola that and he will forgive Motionless for waking him up at 11, which according to MR. Motionless is not early at all." He answered smirking.

"Alright. That shall be arranged. It will be an early dinner, around maybe 4, because we the venue opens at 6 show starts at 7."

He smiled and said, "it is a date then."

"Now get dressed Ghosty. Precious day light is being burned!" I teased.

He poked me in the ribcage, between my ribs and said, "If you're going to call me ghost, its ghost. Not fucking ghosty, ghost-a-roo, nothing else. It's ghost, or its Devin, or Dev. No ghosty. That annoys the shit out of me."

"That's why I do it."

"Fuck you."

I smirked and breathed in his ear after gently grabbing his wrist and saying, "now normally you are the one being fucked. Because you know how much I love your ass. It's so perfect. So perfect. Now you on top, that sounds kinda sexy, it's different. I like it."

He swallowed slowly and said, " You've always been so forward, its still as sexy as I remember it being. Now, now, now, Mr. Motionless, we cant possibly do anything on a bus full of people at the moment, so I suggest you chill the fuck out before you picture my ass anymore and escalate your ever so growing problem in your pants." He said sweetly.

"You're a dick, but that's ok. You're my favorite dick." I said kissing the top of his head.

He laughed and said, "I know I am. Now move so I can get changed. And NO you can't watch."

Pouting, I crossed my arms and went out to the couch area. Checking twitter, nothing new was going on. Checking instagram, I saw some cool stuff posted by some of my friends. I then saw a picture Devin posted. He must've quickly done his makeup or I had been distracted by my phone longer than I remember because his makeup was done and he was wearing booty shorts and a black shirt. In the photo, he was on his knees with his ass in the air. It was captioned, "XXX". Going back to the bunk area, I opened his curtain and saw him sitting there trying to look innocent.

"Do you know how hot that photo was? Do you even know how much that makes me want you, in ways that I cant have you right now?" he smiled and said, "well if it makes you feel better, I'd want some of my ass too. I hear it's nice."

I grabbed a pillow from my bunk and said, "you're an ass." He giggled and said, "I'm a sexy tight ass."

"Oh shut up." I teased. He laughed. Tickling him, he laughed uncontrollably.


"Its 11 am fucktard. Get up you lazy bag of bones." I shouted back.

"Whatever." They shouted back.

Devin and I looked at each other and laughed. Going out to the kitchen area, we got out some cereal and ate. I knew better than to watch him eat, so I talked and kept him from thinking too much. We brushed our teeth and waited for the bus to arrive at the next venue. Once it did, we gathered the guys for sound check before going in.

I was stoked for Devin and I's date tonight. It would be the first in I think 5 years, and I hoped there would be many more still to come. Grabbing my mic, I screamed the opening lyrics to immaculate misconception. Running through the set, we did it in a reasonable amount of time before being left to our own devices.

Devin looked at me and laughed. "What?" I asked.

"I just realized, that this entire time, you don't have any eyebrows."

"Damn. I don't remember not putting those on. Well shiittt. I guess I gotta do that now before we go anywhere."

He nodded and we went back to the bus hand in hand. In all honesty, I wasn't afraid of people taking pictures of us being close to each other. Drawing on my eyebrows, Dev put on black leggings instead of his booty shorts. With a long sleeved shirt that went to his forearm. " I'm glad that I'm the only one who gets to see your beautiful ass. I don't like sharing with the guys, but it's not like there looking so, I don't mind too much."

He laughed and said, "lead the way Mr. Motionless, your date awaits."

"My date is standing beside me you goof. Now grab a coat if you want, but lets head out before its too late." I suggested. He smiled and grabbed sunglasses before following me off the bus. There was a restaurant near by, like literally next-door that had all kinds of food, including wings. We sat at a table near the back of the restaurant, out of view. We talked and laughed the entire time. It was really fun. As we walked back to the bus, I said, "I really enjoyed that. Devin, there is something I want to ask you. I'm going to be straightforward; I missed you all those years. No one compared to you. I really want to continue on with our relationship. We can start over, we can start where we left off, whatever you want to do, and I'm down, as long as you are mine."

He smiled and said, "I want to continue where we left off, we are way past awkward first dates. It'd be pointless to start from the beginning. Perhaps sex can wait a week or two, but I think whenever it happens, it happens, and I don't mind because its with you and I like that." He said blushing softly. Kissing his noise, I said, "I agree. It'll happen when it happens, lets not worry about it just yet. We got a show to go do soon. Go put on your beautiful stage makeup, while I go put on my eye shadow. He smiled and went off to go out it on, his ass swayed side to side as he walked away.

He damn well knew what he was doing to me, and was using my own body against me. I really didn't want to have sex with him the first day we were dating again. I wanted it to happen when it did, not because he was teasing me beyond belief. Ignoring the problem in my pants, I did my makeup and put on my stage clothes. If I knew Devin like I did, I bet myself that he'd go with a more sexy character tonight because he wanted to torture me.

I was damn right too. He came out in a black miniskirt, with creepers and the low cut shirt from earlier. His face was white and his lips were darker and he had fangs. He also had a streak of red that came out of his nose. He smiled and said, "every body sells." I poked him and said, "nice reference. Nice outfit, nice makeup, nice hair. Nice everything."

He smiled and said, "thanks." I smiled back. We went into the venue and waited in the green room while doors opened and fans entered the building. As time for the start of the show to begin, we got more pumped. Doing our preshow ritual, we huddled and got ready.

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