Hold Me Close, Dont Let go

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Chris's POV

When my date with my girlfriend began, she suggested we both put our phones in airplane mode that way we would have no distractions tonight, it sounded ok. I knew the guys would not go out and get arrested or do anything insanely stupid and get themselves hurt. They were also all grown adult men who were fully competent to take care of themselves. So putting my phone in airplane mode seemed all right.

Our date had been going lovely. We went to a movie, and then a restaurant. I took her to a nice place that had good Italian food. Dinner was going well. The food so far had been very delicious and the moment seemed perfect, too perfect.

That perfection soon ended when the manger came over and asked me, "Are you Mr. Cerulli, a man by the name of Vinny is calling here looking for you. He says it is important, very important." I nodded and excused myself from my girl, to go answer the phone.

Smiling at the man, I took the phone and then mumbled into the phone, "what the fuck do you want?"

"UH we have a situation."

"And you have to call the restaurant to tell me? Can it wait?"

"Yes, you and your girlfriend did not answer your phones, and No, it can not wait."

"That's because our phones are in airplane mode."

"Why? Y'know what tell me later, this is a crisis and we need help, now."

"What is it? You guys are grown ass men who should be able to take care of whatever the fuck you guys have gotten yourself into. What is it this time? Not pay a restaurant for eating like 300 wings?"

"Its...It's Devin. He's just freaking out. Ryan and Balz had to pin him to the floor. He's kicking and screaming and shouting, "you're not Balz, you're not real." At Balz. His medications are gone. Every single bottle is gone. We've checked everywhere. The only thing we found was the pillbox. Please just get back. We don't know what to do. He's finally calmed down and is passed out. Ryan is moving him to the couch."

When he said it was Devin, I felt my heart drop to my stomach. As he explained, I felt the need to go and get to the bus immediately.

"I'm going to pay for dinner, and I'll be there soon. Text me if shit happens."

Hanging up, I thanked the manager and said, "Can I get the check? My friend is hurt and needs my help." The manger nodded and got it right away. Going back to the table I said, "we have to go. There's a situation on the bus that needs my help."

"But we just got here." She said bitchfully.

"And my best friends need me."

She pouted and refused to talk to me as we went back to where the bus was parked. Texting our tour manager I said, "we need a replacement merch girl. This one should be fired." I wouldn't know the full reason for her need for a new job until I got to the bus.

The guys explained what happened. One minute Ghost was fine and the next he flipped his shit. Ryan had Ghost's head in his lap and was running his hand through his hair and tried to be comforting. It was a nice thing for him to do. "Turn everything on this bus inside out, the bottles have to be somewhere. Check his stuff, check yours, and check everyone's." I told everyone. We all (except Ryan) went to check for Devin's pill bottles.

Ricky had gone through Devin's stuff, and then someone else's. I checked my stuff in case I had accidentally picked it up and put it in my bag. Ricky shouted, "found something." In an area where the road crew usually sleeps. In Ricky's hands was a pink bag; a bag that I realized belonged to my girl friend. He walked out to the living area and dropped the bag in front of her harshly on the kitchen table. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" he shouted, rage coated his voice.

She did not answer.


Balz, who is normally one of the first to whoop ass in a conflict, remained silent. I knew that what ever he had to say, it would be harsh.

She shrugged.

I myself was livid. She took medication away from Devin that he needed to make it through his day.
A knock at the door came. In walked Ryan Ashley. Balz smirked. As much as I cared for my girlfriend once, I could not accept what she had done. She did something completely stupid and unforgivable.

"Devin is one of the sweetest, and kind people I have ever met. How could you take his medicine? Why?" Ryan Ashley asked.

"Because its always, Devin this, Devin that, Devin, Devin, Devin. Chris, you never spend time with me. It's always about Devin. I decided that I would take his pills. He doesn't really need them. It's not even a real thing. He just acts crazy so he'll get your attention. He's obsessed with you and you're my boyfriend. He needed to learn a lesson."

"You're a fucking bitch. He is not acting. You don't know anything about his condition and how he lives with it. Its not easy, if I had to live like that, I'd probably would not be able to have accomplished anything that he has. He is a strong person." Ryan Ashley defended.

"He is always staring at Chris and it's creepy. He's always wearing his clothes and that's freakier. He's freakier than the people on American horror story: freak show." She said.

Ryan Ashley, who had been restraining her self a bit, suddenly bolted from Balz's side and was lunging fist first into her face. Ryan Ashley screamed, "YOU FUCKING BITCH. YOU FUCKING DESERVE AN ASS WHOOPING." None of the guys dared move, in fear that they would get kicked in the balls.

Ryan Ashley had landed a few solid hits on her before she hit back and hit Ryan Ashley in the jaw. Her head whipped to the side and she swallowed slowly and said, "Bitch, you will regret that." Ryan Ashley then pinned her to the floor and sat on her and slapped her and said, "Isn't it so much fun to have to be restrained to the floor? Huh? Do you like it? How about me sitting on you. You see, if I hit pinch the pressure point in your shoulder, you'll be out cold for a while. But if I hit the one in your other shoulder at the wrong angle, I could rupture an artery."

"Get off me you fat bitch."

Ryan Ashley shrugged and then hit the pressure point in her one shoulder and soon Sarah was out cold.

"Get her fucking shit and her and drop her off somewhere once she wakes up. I will not have a thief on this forsaken bus. Especially when she is taking medications that are essential to Devin's well being." Our tour manager said before continuing on, "I never saw this. I walked in after she was out cold. Check her shit to make sure she isn't stealing anything else. I have no clue what happened here but when you come to me in five minutes, go ahead and retell the story to me with some filter, that keeps you from incriminating anyone."

We all nodded and he walked off the bus.

Looking at each other, we were still processing what happened. Ryan Ashley was the first to talk, saying, "That bitch, I'm so glad we're getting rid of her. I'm down to take her spot. I was going to help anyways."

Balz said, " Babe, that was hot. The way you pinned her down, that was like wow. You made it look so easy." She smiled and said, "having brothers teaches you a few things. Its either get sat on or do the sitting."

"How's Devin?" Ricky asked.

"Still out cold." Ryan answered.

"He remained out cold that entire time?" Vinny asked.

"He may or may not have started to wake up and I hit his pressure point. He's fine though. I've monitored his breathing and his blood pressure. Its normal." Ryan confessed.

Sarah started to finally wake up after 10 minutes. Once she was awake, I handed her, her bags and said, "Here's your stuff. We are through. I never want to see you again, stay away from me, my friends and my band. If anyone on crew sees you at a venue, we will get you 86ed. Stay out of our lives, forever. Oh and to make it clear: I AM BREAKING UP WITH YOU. This relationship is done. I can't be with someone who hurts one of my best friends."


Ignoring her, because honestly, I could have said some fucked up shit, I escorted her off the bus and out of our area and put her in a cab, which I didn't pay for, but told the driver to take her as far as from here as possible.

Ricky and Vinny went to go "tell" our tour manger what happened. He then proceeded to call the company and make sure Sarah did not get paid her entire paycheck, because she "attacked a band member of the touring bands." Because stealing Devin's medications that are essential for him to take, is a serious offence to our tour manager. He is the one who gets pissed at us for when ever we get behind schedule for dates. We've been 20 minutes late to our show recently. It wasn't on Devin's part; it was actually on the road crew. The trailer had to be fixed before we could continue on.

Sarah was then formally fired and we continued on with the tour. I was glad I was rid of her. She was a bitch, and was trying to get me to spend all my money on her. The guys weren't fond of her, and realizing it too, neither was I. This gave me an excuse to break up with her, and I took it. Devin was the one who held my heart and, he was the one I wanted.

It took maybe three hours, but Devin finally woke up. He did not remember anything other than eating a salad for dinner and watching an episode of friends before things faded out. We slowly told him what happened. He apologized repeatedly to Balz and refused to make eye contact with anyone.

"Devin, We understand what happened. It was not your fault. You didn't hurt us. You kick pretty hard, but we knew what we were getting into when we had to restrain you. Its alright." Ricky said.

Devin still refused to make eye contact. Putting my hand on his knee, I rubbed it gently and said, "Dev, its alright. She's gone. She wont be able to take your medicine again. She's fired and will never be allowed to work with us. I'll even have it made that she can't tour with any band that we are on tour with."

He nodded softly, but refused to look up from his hands.

"Hey guys, let's call it a night. Watching Barbie get the shit beaten out of her was pretty eventful. Let's go to the bunk area and chill in our bunks, that way if we fall asleep, it's not on the floor or anything out here. Our beds are more comfortable than the couch and stuff." Ryan suggested. Mouthing "thank you." He nodded and the rest of the guys and Ryan Ashley went to bed.

Devin then lifted his head a bit. He saw that I sat beside him. Scooting closer to me, he put his head on my shoulder and mumbled, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay Dev. I didn't like her that much anyway. She wasn't good for me." He hummed in response.

Looking at the clock, it read 2:57.

"Dev, do you want to go to bed?" he shook his head no.

"Do you want to go to bed with me?" I asked. He didn't respond. Getting up, I held out a hand and he took it. Pulling him up, I led him to my bunk where he got in. Taking off my skinny jeans and replacing them with sweats, I then got in the bunk beside him. He cuddled into my side. Holding him close to my body, I fell asleep.

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