Show You Everything (E)

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Credit: loaths

So awhile ago I was talking about a shirt I was making and how the iron on transfers sucked and came out clear and stuff

Then I said I would paint over it with fabric I did lol.

And someone asked me to show the finished product so here it is! I actually really like it haha


Calum doesn't think Luke really notices, at first. He doesn't look up when Michael complains and adjusts the too-big T-shirt that Calum had artfully slipped down his shoulders at breakfast; doesn't glance over when Calum wanders in just his pants past where Luke's curled up with his phone on the tour bus three times in a row; doesn't flinch when Calum gets increasingly closer to taking off his shirt at their shows, whining intentionally into Luke's microphone about how hot he gets when they perform.

He thinks he might have jinxed himself, being near-naked so often since they became a band that the other lads have just gotten used to it, so as they bring their last week of tour to a close he tries to step his game up a bit. He spends a whole morning face-down and bare-arsed on the couch, but Luke sleeps in until well after Michael has come by and spanked him enough to motivate him into a pair of underwear. Later, backstage at the venue, he films a highly successful series of Instagram videos featuring him stretching more than has ever been necessary and describing each of the moles on his belly in great detail. It takes nearly half an hour before he realizes Luke has his eyes down and his headphones in across from him, bopping his head to the beat of whatever-it-is and scrolling through Twitter, most likely, so Calum throws his shirt at him and leaves in a huff. He tries to rope Luke into filming a mostly-nude Keek with him after the show, but when he goes to look for him he finds Michael has already stolen him away to his own bunk.

After three days, Ashton gives him a twenty-minute shouting lecture for loping through the lounge four times in one hour with his cöck out, so he retreats to his bunk, tweets a grumpy shirtless selfie, and naps until they make it to the hotel. He's sharing a room with Ashton, which wouldn't actually be unfortunate in any other circumstances, but all the other boys have fucked off somewhere else first so Calum hauls his bag up to the room and decides on a shower. He hums to himself a bit while the water heats up, strips with his back to the door and is midway through a luxurious stretch when he hears it open. There isn't any annoyed groaning or anything, though, so he finishes his stretch and turns slowly, his apology to Ashton half-formed in his throat.

Luke is standing stock-still with his hand on the doorknob instead, top teeth tugging at his bottom lip, and his eyes are absolutely not on Calum's face. He swallows, opens his mouth and closes it again.

"Hi Luke," says Calum, waving so Luke's gaze snaps up to his own. Luke waves back weakly, closing the door behind him and falling back against it.

"I, uh. Ash sent me to get his-" he says, looking around the room until his eyes catch on where Calum is skimming a hand up, up, up his torso to rest on his chest. Luke coughs, forces himself to look away until Calum prompts him with a "Yeah?" and then he's looking right at where Calum is toying with one nipple.

"You've been naked a lot lately," says Luke instead, fast like he hadn't meant to. Calum grins slow and sharklike, drags his hand up his neck and rubs at his jaw while Luke stares and stares.

"Yes. Were you looking?"

Luke nods distractedly before his blush catches up to him and he stops, his cheeks bright. Calum takes a step towards him, then another when Luke doesn't move, until his hand is on Luke's chest and he can feel his heart jackrabbiting under his sweater. Luke puts a steadying hand on Calum's waist, so he leans in a bit, not missing the way Luke zeroes in on his mouth. He smiles a little wider and kisses him quick. Luke doesn't kiss back right away, so he pulls back and brings his body closer, grabs Luke by the back of his neck to pull him down the inch or two it takes to bring his ear next to Calum's mouth.

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