Minimising Distractions

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Credit: CalumSmiles

I'm hungry


Michael's fingers dig into his hip, sharp and jarring, shocking the life out of him and almost makes him drop him microphone.

"You're doing it again," Michael's warning whisper is barely intelligible, mumbled under his breath, just out of range of his microphone, at Luke.

Luke shuffles, biting at his lip, and shifts his gaze from the side of Calum's face to the interviewer, hoping that he isn't blushing as hard as he feels like he is.

See, the thing is, Luke gets distracted very easily and lately, it's been Calum's fault. Something about Calum is just so...distracting. Something in the cut of his jaw, the curve of his mouth, the blonde streaks in his fringe, his dark eyes.

Yes, alright, okay, so maybe he likes his best friend slightly more than he should, shut up, he didn't ask for anyone's opinion.

His eyes flit back to Calum as the dark-haired boy laughs at whatever Ashton had just said, the smile wide and the laugh addicting, eyes scrunched up, laugh lines fanning out at the sides of his eyes.

Luke hates Calum.

He drops his gaze to his microphone and tries to tune back into the conversation, thankful that Michael had taken it upon himself to keep at eye out for Luke's lapses in concentration.


"Luke, are you even trying?" is the first thing Michael says to him when the door of their shared hotel room closes. He tosses his denim jacket onto his suitcase, flops onto the bed and stared at Luke.

It's been a good few hours since that interview, but Luke knows what Michael's talking about.

He blushes, scratching the back of his neck. "Fück you, I can't help it."

Michael groans, falling back onto his bed and throwing an arm over his eyes, "Then try and help it. You do fücking realise that these interviews are filmed, right? Your adoring heart eyes of love and devotion are out there for the entire world to see."

He hates Michael.

"Shut up," he throws a pillow at Michael's face, "I just. Fück you."

Luke stalks off to the bathroom to have a shower.

When he emerges, Michael is sitting in bed, naked save for his boxer shorts, scrolling through his phone, laughing.

"Dude, have a shower, you're gonna stink in the morning," Luke says with a roll of his eyes, rubbing a towel over his wet hair. "And what the hell is so funny?"

Michael snorts particularly loudly and shuffles off the bed, standing up, "The Cake shippers have gone wild, thanks to you. Twitter is in meltdown. Number one trending topic right now is CakeIsReal"

Luke whips the towel at Michael's butt as he walks past, grinning as the older boy squeals, "I hate you."

"Fück you, Luke-oh wait, you want Calum to do that."

With that last remark, Michael saunters into the bathroom with a smug smile so irritating that Luke snaps a picture of Michael's back and posts it on Instagram with the caption and the award for naked mole rat goes to...

He really hates Michael.


The two of them have been sitting around in shorts and no shirt for an hour by the time Ashton and Calum knock on their door, carrying boxes of pizza and beer. It's almost ten anyway.

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