Chapter Three

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Riley Evans POV

It was the day before the party, and alphas from all over the country were already arriving to the pack house for the weekend.

I wasn't particularly worried about space or accommodations, considering the four story mansion I had inherited with my Alpha title was practically hotel status. However, I was worried about having so many dominant wolves under one roof.

I was wrenched out of my thoughts as Eli came up behind me, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"Hey birthday girl."

"Yo." I replied absent-mindedly as I finished taping up another name onto a door. Part of our room organization system.

"So Alpha Adams of the Blue Waters pack from the Hamptons just arrived an hour ago, and he is unimpressed with the status of our 'valet', otherwise known as your brother." He said raising one arm to make air quotes, the other still wrapped around my shoulders.

I chuckled. Of course he would. He's from the Hamptons, go figure.

Eli grinned at me and walked with me, continuing on with his updates of the Alpha arrivals.

"...and Alpha Raonak of the Redstone's from Arizona has decided his room is too cold, and requested us to turn up the thermostat."

I raised an eyebrow and chuckled again.

My wolf jumped to attention when I heard angry yelling and growling coming from the first floor, several of my pack members sending panicked cries through the pack mind-link. I looked to Eli, who was also allerted of the the commotion.

"And the battle of the egos has begun." He said with a frown.


Ava Sontiya POV

Faith and I pulled up in front of a gorgeous four story mansion, with expensive cars everywhere. Lots of loaded Alpha's here, I thought to myself. People were everywhere, either unloading luggage, greeting acquaintances, directing people, or trying to park in the crowded gravel lot.

A boy about my age with sandy brown hair and grey eyes tapped on the window with his knuckles. He had a red sticker on his shirt with the name 'Michael' sprawled out in black sharpie, and was carrying a clipboard and pen. I rolled down the window for me and he opened his mouth to speak.

"Hello ladies, if you will tell me your names, ranks, and pack I can direct you to your parking spot and your rooms." He said with a polite smile. His pen was hovering over his clipboard, waiting to check our names of a list I'd bet.

"Alpha Sontiya and Beta Harries, Blood Sister pack." I say curtly waiting for the common reaction. I waited for the look of disgust to cross the boys features and the rude remarks to leave his mouth.

I was surprised.

"Oh! Alpha Sontiya! My sister has been dying to meet you! Sorry let me introduce myself, my names Michael Evans, Alpha Evans is my older sister. She has arranged for your rooms to be on our packs personal floor, just as a safety precaution, she doesn't want you to have to put up with any trouble from any of the other alphas. If you drive around to the back of the house, I'll have the families garage door opened for you, it'll be the farthest spot down on the left. Your rooms are on the fourth floor on the west side, your names are taped to your doors. Your bedrooms are joined by a bathroom, if that's a problem we'd be happy to move you."

I was so shocked that I sort of just sat there with my mouth open. Faith leaned over my lap and saved me.

"Thank you very much, that is very kind of your alpha, of course that will be fine. May I ask why the birthday girl is a fan?" She said with a smile.

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