Chapter Six

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Riley Evans POV

I paced back and forth in my room, my wolf and I at war with each other in my head. I stopped in front of my full length size mirror and stared at the nervous wreck that was looking back at me. My eyebrows were knitted together, my hair was a tangled mess from running my fingers through it so many times, a small sheen of sweat was visible on my forehead, and my canines had elongated and were biting sharply into my bottom lip.

I growled at my reflection and stomped to my bathroom to clean myself up.

After letting the hot water run over my body, working out the kinks in my back, for a good 20 minutes, I shut off the water and got out.

I blow dried my hair and threw on some clothes,grabbing the little red box sitting on my dresser that I had been staring at all afternoon.

I clicked open the top, making sure the contents were still there. I hoped my mom would be proud of me. She would have loved Ava.

Standing in front of my door with my hand on the knob, I take one last deep breathe before twisting it open and stepping into the hall. 

My footsteps are heavy and my nerves were wracking through my body as I make my way across the hall to Ava's room. My eyes flitted to the flimsy white piece of paper taped to the door with "Sontiya" written in my whispy handwriting.

With one more deep breathe, I raise my fist, and knock.


Ava Sontiya POV

My eyes snapped up from my laptop, where I was trying to find answers for this strange occurence, in the archives, blogs, anywhere. My ears perked up at the soft rapping on the door.

The flood of her scent made me sure of who it was when I reached the door. With a shaky hand I opened the knob to see Riley in the doorway, a nervous smile tracing her lips.

"Hi." She says.

"Hi." It comes out quiet and breathy.

"Uhm, can I come in for a moment? I have something for you." She bites her lip and my heart instantly melts.

"Sure." I smile back at her, trying to act like my insides weren't screaming with nervousness and want. It probably wasn't working.

She walked into my room and sat down on the edge of the bed, patting the spot next to her and looking towards me with another one of her breathtaking smiles.

I walk over to her and sit next to her, my arm brushing hers slightly sending sparks up and down my arm. Goddess, I could get used to that feeling.

I notice a small red velvet box in her hands, and my eyes snapped up instantly to meet hers. What was she doing?

"So, Ava," her voice saying my name sent shivers down my spine, "well, I've been waiting for my mate for my entire life... I just never thought it would be..." She looks up at me and her stormy eyes lock onto mine, making all the air whoosh out of my lungs. "Anyways, I was going to give this to Michael when he found his mate, but I want you to have this instead. It was my mothers, my dad gave it to her when they found each other."

My mouth parts in surprise and my eyes widen, I can't let her give me that, her brother should have it, and I'm about to protest when she just shakes her head at me, as if she knew what I was going to do. Her rough hands reach over to my soft ones, sending sparks everywhere, and place the small box in them.

"I know that we've only just met, but I just want you to know that you're mine now, and I swear to the goddess I am never letting go."

With that she opened the box and a beautiful necklace laid in the velvet cushion. It had a delicate gold chain with a small circular charm, a ruby red gem in the middle shaped like a t star. It was the symbol for a new moon. My heart was overwhelmed with gratitude and happiness, and I couldn't think of anything more I could ask for.

Her eyes bore into me, and she bit her lip nervously as she awaited my response, almost like she thought I would reject her and her gift.

As if I would reject the one thing I've always wanted.

I pulled the necklace out softly and gestured for her to help me put it on, and set the box aside. Her hands brushed the back of my neck as she clasped the necklace together, sparks dancing across my skin. The cool metal of the necklace settled on my skin and I turned to face her taking her hands in mine, loving the feeling of her skin on mine.

"I'm all yours my love."

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