The Beginning (part 1)

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The train to Hogwarts. You heard it was a great magical school. You are the first transfer student from America. You feel completely out of place in England, but you loved it, and you only saw the muggle parts. You are in your forth year, and during the summer your mother got a job at the Ministry of magic, while your father who is a muggle, got a job in parliament  You began to broad the Hogwarts express! Surprisingly you found and empty compartment and waved at your parents. They had to start their first day at work and had to leave before the train left. You sat down and looked out at the platform. You saw a really attractive blonde hair boy begin to get on the train. He passed the compartment you were in and just glanced at you as he passed. Many more people passed an then, A girl with a dreamy expression came in "Is it alright if I sit here?" you smiled at her "Yeah, sure go ahead."  She sat down across from you "I'm Luna Love good, I can tell by you accent you're from America" "I'm (yn) and yup I'm from America." Luna stared at you for a bit and began to read "the quibbler". Every now an then the both of you talked. No one else came in the compartment and it stayed that way until the train reached Hogwarts. It was dark outside when the train arrived. You had to go with the first years to get sorted into a house.  Once you arrived into the great hall there were already people sitting at the tables, A lot of people were staring at you. Your face got red and you waited to get sorted into a house. Once your name was called an old hat was placed on your head and Called out "Slytherin!" You took a seat across from the blonde boy. He smirked "aren't you a little old to be a first year?" You looked at him "I'm a transfer student. I'm actually in my forth year." The blonde boy then asked "From America? what's your name?" You replied "umm, yeah, I'm (y/n)." He just nodded. The headmaster came up to announce the tri wizard tournament  was taking place this year. He also went over a few rules. 

*One week later*

Somehow the conversation of "mudbloods" came up and once people found out you were a mudblood, a lot of people stopped talking to you. You had classes with Luna, even though she was a little odd, she was your friend. You had potions class next with the Griffindors.  You enjoyed potions. despite the fact that Snape was an asshole.  "Get into pairs. This potion takes two people. The instructions are on  the board." Snape said. Then Snape turned to you "(y/n) I would like you to work with Malfoy." "yes, professor. " Ugh. Why him?? He won't listen and he'll just call me mudblood, and be a little prick!  You walked over to Malfoy. He glared at you. "What are you doing over here mudblood?" If only I could punch him in the face. "Professor Snape wants me to work with you, because you're a dumb ass, and can't understand simple things." His face reddens slightly. " you're the one who's a dumbass!" You sighed "whatever let's just get this over with." After many mistakes Malfoy made wile trying to take over while you weren't looking almost got your books on fire! Surprisingly both of you got good grades.  After potions you went to the great hall and sat down with Luna. You had a nice conversation with her. and this helped you recover from Malfoy's stupidity.  Many weeks passed and every day Malfoy always bugged you. He always picked on you, and if it wasn't you he was messing with, It was harry and his friends. One day when you were in an extremely bad mood, and you saw Malfoy being a dick to Harry. You shouted across the hall " Oh my it looks like Malfoy is gaaay for potter!" Malfoy turned  around fast looking very angry, started to run towards you. "oh crap." You started to run but unfortunately, you suck at running. Malfoy caught up to you and tackled you to the ground. He pinned you down so that he was on top of you. What was going on in your mind "oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!! What is going to do?!" he leaned in so that he was close to you face. You heart was beating so fast, and your face started to become red.  He leaned in more and then he kissed you. Your mind almost went blank, you couldn't register what was happening. Malfoy pulled back and the whispered in your ear, "Can't say that I'm gay now can you (y/n)?" he got up and walked away.

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