Ooo update ;) part 5

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After the whole event at the lake with Draco you were not able to focus on anything. You barely finished the essays that were due on Monday and even then they were a bit sloppy. "Meh whatever at least I did it" you mumbled out loud. You got to bed and when you got to class the next day Draco wasn't in any classes at all. It was like this fir the next two weeks. Then, all of a sudden when you were in the common room Draco and his father came through the common room door. When you saw his white blond hair your heart jumped. Both Draco and his father were whispering and didn't even look at you. He gave his son a small black box and left. As soon as he left, Draco looked at you and smirked "hello (y/n) did you miss me?" you looked up at him, "yeah, I actually did" his smirk got bigger but he was blushing. He got closer to you until both of you were only a few inches apart. He leaned in more and whispered in your ear, "I thought of you every night and I needed you so much" "holy fucking shit! Where the hell is this coming from?!" Your face turned red really quick and you were at a lost for words, then after a few seconds you turned you head so that you could whisper in his ear " I needed you so much that I ached for you every night" you leaned back and looked at him his face was even more red than before.  He stared at you. And then you grabbed his tie and pulled him into a kiss. You couldn't help yourself. His fingers were sliding to the back of your neck and he bites your lip gently. You open your mouth as his tongue slides in to explore , You let go of his tie and wrap your arms around him pulling him even more closer. As the both of you are making out you feel something hard against your leg. You rub your leg against the hardness and Draco moans a bit when you do this.  But the both of you are interrupted when Professor Snape was about to walk in. Draco gets off of you and runs to the plants and stares at them, you picked up a book and pretended to read. Snape walked in and looked around glancing at the both of you. "Mr. Malfoy, the headmaster wants to speak with you" Draco turns around and leaves with Snape. You thought to yourself "holy shit".                      ((Sorry for taking sooo long to update. School has been kicking my ass but I should be updating more often now))

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