What (Part 3)

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Time slowly passed by, you were so busy studying. The time came when Harry had to go through the first task. The Dragons were awesome but you felt bad for Harry. You also thought he was going to die.                                                                                                                                                                                   You tried your best to avoid Malfoy. You figured that Malfoy equals awkward situations. But sometimes in potion class he would stare at you when he thought you weren't looking. Every now and then Professor Snape put the both of you together. Pansy was paired up with Crabbe, and she shot dirty looks at you most of the time...In fact every time she saw you she glared at you.               Time was now flying by a lot faster. And before you knew it December came and there was an announcement about the Yuel Ball. 

As you were walking with Luna to charms class you said "I can't believe it's December already...Hey are you going to go the Ball?" She sighed and replied "sadly no I'm going home early for the holidays. My dad and I are going to look for Nargles. Are you planning on going?" You looked down the corridor "I wasn't planning on going..Going home early sounds nice to me, but my parents want me to stay here for the holidays. They say it'll help me become more independent. Also it's their Honey moon. Luna replied "That's too bad. You're always welcome to help my dad and I look for Nargles, and spend the holidays with us." She smiled, you replied "Thanks Luna." When the both of you got to class you learned the anti-theft charm, it took you about fifteen tries to get it right. as you were leaving to go to your next class you headed to the bathroom. You heard a group of girls already there. Talking frantically. "It's okay, Pansy...you're way better than that mudblood." You heard a girl cry "H-he only thinks I'm just a f-friend....after all this time, and he chooses HER!" Pansy starts to sob more. You walked in and they all glared at you. One girl took out her want and tried to jinx you. But you avoided it. "What the fuck?!" you yelled at her. "You know what you whore. Come on Pansy this bathroom stinks of mudblood filth." They walked out. "What the hell is their problem?!" You said out loud. "Oh they're not happy because that pretty boy wanted to ask someone to the ball." You turned around, there was moaning Myrtle floating. "Pretty boy?" you asked but Myrtle went to the first stall and flushed herself down the toilet. "Girls at Hogwarts are going insane. Including me."

When you were coming out of the bathroom, there was Malfoy running down the corridor. He yell out your name. Then he caught up to you. "(y/n) Are you going with anyone to the ball?" "No.." you eyed him suspiciously. "Good. How about you go with me then?" "What?" you stared at him for a while "Go to the ball with me (y/n)." "This is a trick right?" You asked "No, I want you." "Umm..." you looked down. You faced tired scarlet hearing the words I want you.  As you looked down at the floor you said "sure I'll go with you." You looked up and saw Malfoy smiling. "Good I'll see you later then." He winked at you and left. Then you though back to what moaning myrtle said, Pretty boy. You started to laugh to yourself. "Oh crap!! I'm going to be late to class!!" You ran as fast as you could but you were ten minutes late, and got detention right after class, causing you to be late to dinner.

Draco x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora