12. A Horrible Misconception

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Picture: Antonia Thomas - Jennifer Lockwood

School dances have a certainty to end in disaster. Everyone sets out to have a good night, but there's always one person that gets really drunk on spiked punch. There's always one person that leaves with a different date than they came with. And there's always one person that leaves dateless, in tears.

I am just as bad as everyone else at this school. I am intending for this night to be perfect. I'm just like every other girl that has the preconception that they will actually get what they want. But, in the words of the Rolling Stones, you can't always get what you want.

I went to school that day feeling optimistic. Chase met me at my usual parking space, smiling gorgeously. We walked into school, hands clasped together, oblivious to everyone else.

Chase, like every other day, keeps asking me what my costume is for tonight. I refuse to tell him as he refuses to tell me his. I intend for tonight to go as I planned. Which means Chase being surprised and very impressed by what he sees.

I think tonight is the night. The night when I finally drop this 'no sex' rule. I know we've only been together for nearly 2 months but it's not like we haven't done it before. Our relationship is honestly perfect right now and I can't think of a reason to not bring us closer. If that's possible.

So, after school that day, I'm home exactly 10 minutes after school is finished. I have exactly 1 hour to shower before Jennifer and Jasmine get here. I intend for this to be a long shower as I have to wash and shave in all the right places.

My shower must have took longer than I thought because I soon hear banging on my door. I frown heavily, shutting the water off to listen to the shouting.

"Freddie! Get your ass out of the shower! We only have 2 hours to look perfect!" I hear Jasmine shouting excitedly.

I climb out of the shower while rolling my eyes, even though she can't see me. I walk back into my room, in a towel, to see Jennifer laying on my bed, her arms and legs spread.

"Comfortable?" I ask sarcastically as she sighs contently. Jasmine is already setting up the make up and preparing the hairdryer.

"Very." Jennifer whispers, snuggling into the pillow.

I walk into my wardrobe, changing my towel for underwear and my dressing gown. I walk back into the room, only to be rushed into my chair. For some reason, the girls think I protest the most. Therefore, my hair and makeup has to be done first.

However, I don't protest this time. I know the girls will make me look amazing and I'm out to impress Chase tonight.

Jennifer does my hair, straightening it all then backcombing the top, finally adding the headband. Jasmine does my makeup. She gives my face a light glow while making my eyes smoky black. She gives me black flicks with the eyeliners, then meets it with the eyeshadow.

I'm finished within 45 minutes. I offer to help the girls with their hair and makeup but they refuse. So, I sneak down stairs into the cellar, looking through our wide range of alcohol. I'm feeling some wine right now, so I pick up some expensive kind of red wine and 3 glasses. Thankfully, I get back to my room without being caught.

The girls and I manage to get through the whole bottle by the time were finished. We're not drunk but we're slightly merry. I dress into my costume and then put on the really tall black heels that I wore to that first party.

We're all ready just on time. We hear the front door knock at half past 6, alerting us that one of our dates are here. I walk down the stairs slowly, followed by Jennifer and Jasmine. Once I reach the bottom, I sigh with relief, proud of myself for making it in these heels.

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