
319 22 10


Username: OnlineTherapist

Password: pizzamylife

Okay guys I'm back from school, I will be answering your requests soon. So I will be answering 4 requests and that's it for the week, I really wish I could answer all of your requests but my rules is 4 requests a week and that's it. So I hope you all Understand.

I pressed send and began to scroll through my dash board. I picked on the top four of the list.


I looked at ShyMaden's request and began to read.

ShyMaden: Hi Online Therapist I hope your reading this because I hope you would help me. My friendship is at stake and I kind of need your advice. You see my best friend likes this guy, their friends, and He kind of told me yesterday he really liked me the first time he saw me and I kind of likes him back. But I don't want to..because I don't want to hurt my best friend..What do you think I should do?

Wow, she must honestly care about her best friend. I bit my bottom lip and began to type my advise.

I read your problem and um..honestly I don't know what to say about this but all I can say is..Tell her how you really feel, because honestly if you like this guy and you like him back but you know your best friend will be hurt, just tell her it's how the guy feel's about you..and if she cries in front of you just say that their other boys out there that will see her instead of you? Okay? Well I hope that helped and if it didn't just message me up :)

I pressed send and scrolled through the dash board and I read the next request.

TinkerLove: Hi Online Therapist. I know most of your problems include love and so why don't I speak about my bullshit to you? Is it okay? Well okay. Here it goes. My boyfriend has been avoiding me ever since we had sex. I know sounds stupid right? Well yeah it does. I mean...After we had it he never texted me or called me since then. When I saw him yesterday I asked him if we were still together he didn't answer back and I assume that their's someone else? Or he just doesn't want me anymore? Can you help me please...

Now this just seems harsh.

Okay first off. Dump the bitch. Because obviously he just wanted to have sex with you..I know sounds rude to say but after reading that he never called you or texted you the day after it happen, it's obvious he just wanted to steal that virginity from you. Honestly you should dump him before he dumps you. If you love him just remember that what you guys had was just his way to get to you, If he says he loves you, then tell him your going to find someone who would love you for who you are not what you have.

P.s.- I love your username :D

After pressing send, I felt my phone buzz and I checked who it was and it was none other then Calum Thomas Hood. My best friend.


I chuckled at the text he sent.

He wasn't wrong about how I locked myself up in my room for a week. One problem had to deal with a severe trauma of how she saw her parents having sex in their kitchen counter. Another problem dealt with this other girl private messaging me about how she wanted to kill herself for a guy she was with for 3 months.

Problems like these are just about life in general. Having these people write on my website that was created for a computer project. I created Online Therapist because my teacher said to make a website for a career I want to pursue.

Obviously, tiny Michael didn't know what career he wanted at the time. I remembered Calum telling me how great I am at advise, since I am socially awkward and I love the internet..I created the name.

Online Therapist.

I grabbed my phone and decided to text Calum back.

Michael: I don't hate you guys Cal. I just had some errands to do that's all 😅 also the window is open anytime 😋 why are you asking 😂

I send the message and decided to scroll through the dashboard at the next problem. Before I knew it, I heard my window shutter slide up and Calum came climbing inside. Closing all the tabs on my chrome before he sat on my bed.

He walked over to my bed a bit and jumped straight in the middle of my bed. Crashing on top of my blanket covered legs, "OW WHAT THE FUCK CAL!" I shouted, he looked over at me and got up from my bed.

"Well honestly you deserve that belly flop to the legs." Calum said crossing his hands over his chest.

I soothed the pain in my legs and got out of my bed, "Calum I said I wasn't mad at you guys, I just had some stuff to do that's all." He glared at me as I spoke.

"What are these errands Michael?" Calum asked, as he was walking a bit close to me. Causing his face to be slightly close to mine. I looked down at his lips and then at his eyes.

"A-a g-game." I stuttered. Calum's eyes widen as I stuttered and he stepped back a bit.


A smirk slowly formed in his lip. Calum bit his bottom lip and he scanned me from head to toe and took a step closer to me once again. I was stepping back a bit till my back hit the wall and he trapped his hands on my sides.

"Do I make you nervous Mikey?" Calum whispered, our faces inches apart as my cheeks were burning up.

My mouth just was left wide open, with not a sound to be heard. Calum suddenly took his hands away from my sides and started laughing and clutching on to his stomach so he can try to breathe from all the laughing.

"Fuck you." I spatted out.

Calum looked over at me and held on my cheek and patted it, "I rather fuck you." He said with a cheeky smile. I rolled my eyes, suddenly a knock was heard at my door.

"Michael, can I talk to you." My dad said through my door, the door knob jiggled a bit and the door flew open. My dad's eyes widen as he saw Calum, "Hi Mr. Clifford." He greeted, My dad nodded as he saw the kiwi boy sitting on my bed.

"Hi Calum, I was wondering if I can talk to Mikey alone." My dad said, Calum's eyes widen and understood quickly.

"Oh of course, I'll be right here." Calum said pointing at my closet door, he walked over to my closet and shut the door. My dad looked at me and sighed.

"Calum is sure something." He chuckled weakly, I smiled as he sat down in my bed and scratched the back of his neck.

"What's up dad?" I asked sitting next to him, he took a deep breath and looked up at me.

"Your mother died Michael."

Online Therapist || MalumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora