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"MICHAEL! MICHAEL WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" My mother screamed from downstairs. I gasps and hid in the closet and closed my eyes hoping she doesn't find me. I heard footsteps coming up my room, then my room door slammed open.

"Oh Mikey? Where are you sweetie?" She asked in a creepy way, I felt tears coming down my eyes. I wish my father was here to stop this but no, he was at work.

I heard her fingers grip on the handle of the closet. Then suddenly she opened the closet door wide open making me see her demented drunk smile plastered on her messy make up face.

"There's my little mistake, why you hiding away from mummy?"I was shaking as she was talking to me.

Suddenly she started to giggle a bit, then a laughter began to overcome the giggle as she was seeing me shake. Her expression on her face as she is seeing me in this state,  it's like she's having fun looking at how terrified I am.

"Wanna play game?" she asked. I shook my head and her demented smile faded away as I shook my head.

"Why? Are you scared that I'm going to hit you?" I was shaking as she asked me this, because the last game we played, she hit me twice and then she fell asleep.

"ANSWER ME!" she shouted towards my face. I couldn't help but feel more tears as she yelled at me.

Then suddenly I felt her hand connected to my cheek with a stinging pain. My body pressed against the closet wall as my hands were in front of my face. Tears started to swell in my eyes as her figure started to get blurry.

"Your nothing but a worthless thing who was made by your ungraceful father!" she shouted.

Then a cloth was pressed against my face. the darkness came over my vision as the feeling of her hand being pressed against the cloth over my face continued. 

I couldn't breath.

I shot up from my bed once I heard my phone ringing with my annoying ringtone. I took a deep breath and looked to see who it was, Luke. I groaned in annoyance and took a deep breath and pressed the call button.

"What Luke!"

"Oh, I'm sorry but theres no, hi Lukey? Or Hey sup Luke?"

"Luke I'm not in the mood to talk."

"What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it..."

"Um..okay, but were all going to have a sleep over at Calum's tomorrow right?"

"Why are you asking me when you can just call Calum about this?"

"Alright, I wasn't in the room with the boy. You feeling okay though?"

I hesitated for a bit.

"Yeah..I'm fine, I need to go..see you tomorrow Luke."

"Okay, bye Mikey feel better soon."

I pressed the end button and decided on going online to my website and see if there was any more problems to be fixed. Noticing a message at the top of my list, I read over it.

CalPal: Um...Hi I don't always ask things like this to people..But one of my friends told me to get advise from your website and I am sure you can help me will you?

OnlineTherapist: Sure, what's the problem?

CalPal: I'm in love with my best friend.

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