Day 23

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Kellin's POV

I walked into class with Vic, dressed in what he asked. I had on black and red checkered tights and a black Blink-182 shirt.

Vic also told me he had a surprise for me when school comes. I'm so excited!!!


"Hi, Viccy. What's my surprise?" I asked, jumping on his desk where he was reading an email or something. He smiled at me, "It's actually a present." I squealed.

Vic pulled out a belt with a 'K' on it. Oh, weird. "You.. Got me a belt?" He nodded. "Put it on." I nodded and put the belt around my waist. The K was right against my díck and I raised an eyebrow at Vic. "Okay, it's on. Now what?" He chuckled and pulled out a small, violet (heh) remote.


Oh, no.

"It's not just a belt, my sweet innocent Kellin. It's a..." He hit a button and the K began buzzing against my semi hardened díck and I gasped, moaning slightly as it kept buzzing. "Oh, V-Vic." I moaned. "Vibrator. And I contol it completely..." I could feel my stomach muscles tightening, then... It stopped.

"No, please. Please, don't stop..." I begged. Vic shook his head, "You see, before I was going easy on you... But now, now that you say you want BDSM.. Well, I'll give you all I got. And first thing is teasing." He said. This was gonna be a looooonnnnggg day.


Oh, thank god it was lunch time. Vic had followed me out to the cafeteria, but claimed he was just going to get food. I really don't like him right now. He'll bring me to the edge of orgasm, and then stop... It's frustrating!

I sat at my table, smiling at Justin and Mike. "H-Hey guys." "Hey, Quinnster. What's up?" Then I saw him.. Vic was standing in the corner of the cafeteria, smirking devilishly at me.

No, please, not here. Dear god, please...

The buzzing began and I gasped, "Um, n-no-t mu-u-ch. Y-You?" Justin shrugged and Mike raised an eyebrow, "You okay, Kellin?" I nodded quickly. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I asked at 100 miles an hour. "Well, first, your red like a tomato and you're shaking. Second, you keep looking at my brother in a weird way and he keeps looking at you like you're his prey." Then Mike's eyes went wide and he pushed his food away, "I'm not hungry anymore."

"Wait, what's going on?" Justin asked. Oh, Justin.. I'm glad you're not my smart friend. "Nothing at a-aaall." I moaned during all because the vibrations suddenly got harder and faster.


"I-I hate y-yo-ou." I moaned, bucking my hips in my seat. "No, you don't. You love me..." Vic said arrogantly as he lifted my chin, kissed me, and sped up the vibrations. "Oh, god... Vic! I'm about to cúm!" He smirked, kissed me again, and put it on it's highest level. I screamed into his mouth and came in my panties. I slumped against my chair, panting loudly. "How was that?"

"F-Fúck you."

A/N: So, I know Kellin's being v v dramtic in this. But its all consentual. Kellin was okay with this the whole time. I don't want to get yelled at for it seeming like Vic was forcing Kellin to do anything. Kells wanted it, okay. Okay. Andywho, comment, vote, and enjoy! ♥

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