chapter one

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Y/n's POV
I was always a strange child. No friends,no father and yet no tears escaped my eyes.


I was sitting on my bed just listening to monster by skillet when things went black. Not now..please. I always have glances into the future and they usually make me pass out, this time it was different.

I saw my mom on the floor with many stab wounds and a knife in her chest. Blood was every where and it was still warm. I heard evil laughter and saw myself covered in my mother's blood, cackling like an evil scientist.

Then, I was back in my room. I was breathing heavily and grabbed my phone, ear buds and a backpack. I stuffed as many clothes as I could and threw on my (f/c) converse.

I then climbed out my window and ran as fast as I could. I couldn't kill my mother she was the only thing I had left. I ran and ran feeling tired but still going.

I ran through a desert and found a huge city. I went to the city and found an ally way. I decided to sleep there. Then sleep took over.

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