chapter two

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Y/n's POV

I woke up hearing voices. "Kid! Stop trying to make the sign symmetrical!"
Said a girl voice. I walked closer and peeped around the corner. I saw 2 girls talking with annoyed looks and a boy wearing a calm expression on his face as he was fixing a sign.

I looked at the boy and blushed, he had beautiful golden eyes. I blushed more and slowly backed up. I accidentally knocked over a trashcan and got there attention.

"Hello?" The younger girl poked her head in the ally way and looked at me.she squealed and pulled the other girl and the boy over. "Can we keep her kid!?!?" She squealed again. The boy looked at me and his eyes widened.

I started to back up scared of what they'd do, when the boy grabbed my hand. "Perfect." "W-what?!?!" I asked alarmed. "Your symmetry is perfect!" He said. I giggled when he asked the girl "can I keep her Liz?!?!" The girl sighed and looked at me. "Can kid keep you?" They'd let me stay with them? I blushed but nodded.

"Yay!" The youngest girl cheered. I smiled as we walked to their house. I looked at the house in awe and stuttered. "W-wow!" Liz smiled at me as kid opened the door. Here we go...

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