Why I came: Anchored to You

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Forever you're my hearth,

You be my sun and I'll be your Earth!

Around you I maintain a curl,

Round and roundabout as I endlessly twirl!

Never able to reach you, I create an orbit,

For, should I join you, Oh heaven forbid!

When I'd touch you, I burn into flames,

T'll never be enough to douse the fire, Oh river Thames!

With you my sides play Hide-and-Seek games,

And all my patience exhausted by numerous claims!

Not fusing with you causes me strife,

And now I have all but enough to sustain life!

Gravitating towards you may hold my attention,

But being anchored to you melts away my tension!

My life's an endless pity-train,

Day and night I scream out with intense pain!

I'd wake up to my senses screaming your name,

for that's when I realize why I came!

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