Hopeless Child.

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It had been 8 months since the torture had begun. Loki thought that he would have eventually got used to the pain, this idea was his only release and hope.. but now, now he had given up even fighting the pain. his throat was raw which made it impossible for his cries for help to be heard, which meant that it was unlikely for Thor to hear the pain and come running to his side. 

He would just lay, his body no more but a skeleton, he just had enough strength to hold ol to the covers as his body gave in to the torture it was forced to endure. Thoughts had begun to rise up in him again, seeing as Thor was hardly around, what was to stop him from ending it.. or at least trying. He hadnt seen his father in over 9 months and his mother had begun to visit less frequently as the attacks had become more often. So who would stop him? Who would be the one who thought it wa fair to drag out this meaningless life any longer? 

loki licked his lips, they stung from the friction his tongue created against them, they were chapped and aslo raw, leaving it painful to move them even the slightes bit. He longed to know what this meant, what this was inside him and why no one would help, not even one doctor had been sent to investigate, he had just been left with a stick to bite onto to try and cease his screams which seemed to disturb the Asgardians. 


okay.. really short chapter again but the big one should be coming as soon as i get the time.. it may be another month because thats when i finish school and ill have no coursework because im starting college.. i PROMISE ill work on this more during that time 

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