Through The Eyes Of A Myth

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There it was again, Loki hurtled to the ground for what seemed like the hundredth time, but no one was touching him. It was like his his stomach was trying to escape! Kicking and biting it's way through from the centre, the pain was unimaginable! The blow thismtime had been more ferocious than any others he had experienced, the pain had prevented him from speaking for the last hour or so, but it seemed like Thor and Odin hadn't noticed that he was being so quiet, he hadn't eater in a long time and again Thor and Odin hadn't seemed to mind

"maybe they know what's happening to me" he grunted "maybe they want me to be in pain" he couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation.

The last few months had been torture. Whenever he went to his father about the 'kicks' (he had now referred to them as such) Odin would say that it was all for a reason. This infuriated Loki as the pain he was experiencing was all but too much; his eyes were red and bloodshot from sleepless nights, sobbing and screaming In pain and terror, the days were just as bad - nothing in his power could prevent the fear of what may become of him and the obligatory kicks he wipould experience that day, he had considered ending it all. What was the point in living if his life was to end up like this, forever. Thor had picked up on this and comforted him regularly, sometimes Loki noticed him peeping through into his chambers.

Yet again Thor out his head around Loki's door, he was there, still breathing, still fighting. He felt tremendous sorrow towards him, he wished he could swap places, go through the torture Loki had to endure, what hurt Thor the most was the thought that his brother had no idea what was happening to him. He wished he could trade, so that at least then Loki would be ok. The image of Loki whenever Thor looked in never failed to set a lump deep in his throat: a skinny boy, sst on his bed head in hands sobbing hysterically. Thor would awaken each night to the blood curdling screams of his brother, it was as if he was being ripped to pieces. He would cry himself, haunted by the screams!

He wanted to run in and hold his brother in his arms, to burrow his head into Loki's silky hair and promise him that everything sngoing to get better. To tell him what was going on and why he had to endure this. It was obvious that Loki wanted just to die at this point, there was no life in his eyes, but Thor did his best to keep Loki comfortable, Loki's haunted face made things even more difficult, but he hoped with all his heart that the little he did would make his brother feel better

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