Burden In My Eyes

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As the future king, Thor still had to spend the majority of his day in the palace gardens learning all he could to become the best king possible. Odin wasn't impressed with Thor's behaviour recently as he seemed distracted. "There's no point sulking Thor" Odin would often tell him "This was always going to happen, it has to happen in order to keep Asgard strong"

"Have you not heard him scream Father?" Thor felt as if he had to defend his brother against Odin as he seemed unaware of the pain his brother was enduring. "Surely there is something I can do! Let me swap places with him? I can't bear to hear him scream! Please? Make it stop?" By this time Thor was fighting back tears as the haunting screams of his terrified brother flooded the halls of Asgard

"PLEASE?!" He screamed "I can't take it"

"There is nothing that can be done, I am truly sorry. But do you think that this is easy for me either? He is my son and I love him unconditionally but nothing can be done, he just has to bear with it for the time being."

The attacks were less frequent now, but when they came they were much more painful. Loki had lost all little muscle that he owned and had now become no more than a skeleton. He could hardly move, even when he was no longer in pain. He just lay. Silently. Thinking about all the tints he could have done with his life, and waiting, scared for another attack .

"Brother?" Thor's voice immediately brought comfort to his dark world. "Are you ok?" this was a stupid question Thor knew, but he figured that it might help

"I know this is hard brother, well, it's more than hard, but I want you to fight against this! I promise you that it will stop, what you are doing may be the light Asgard needs in future times of darkness and hardship. I could then I would trade with you. I have wanted to ,any times before. Remember Jotünheim? You were so strong willed there, you took all that came to you and you survived, am I right? You can do it again brother."

Loki struggled to find words, he hadn't spoken in such a long time and so his voice was weak and hoarse. "The pain inflicted in Jotünheim was nothing in comparison to this. I have nothing left Thor, there isn't anything left, I have no life left to give. I just want it all to stop!"

Thor took Loki's feeble hand "That's untrue brother! You have life, it won't end because how would I survive without you? I love you so much! I'm here for you..."

At this point Loki recoiled I'm pain, he tried not to scream as his stomach felt as if his insides were being set on fire. His eyes watered and stung, his nostrils flared and he tried to control his breathing. He didn't want Thor here, not now, he was sure that his brother found this torturous too. To his surprise, Thor took him in his mighty arms and held him tight, stroking his hair and comforting hi through each attack experienced throughout the night.

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