Chapter Four

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Danny's POV

     The last time I turned, Skulker was hunting me. He had started to tie others up and leave them as bait for me. Of course, I had to go and save them. I knew he would be lurking nearby, so I would send Team Phantom to rescue the people and attack Skulker when he came out of hiding. The last group of people he captured were Dash, Kwan, and Star. He had trapped them differently, and Jazz couldn't break them out. I knew I would have to defeat Skulker, then save my peers. We had a tough fight, him shooting various weapons, me using only ice attacks. Any of my other attacks could hurt someone, and since everyone knew my identity, people often got very close to my battles. I had weakened Skulker to the point he couldn't move much. I thought it would be safe to finally use an ectoplasmic attack. I created the largest ball of ectoplasm I had ever made. I took aim at Skulker and shot. Little did I know that he was standing right in front of Dash, Kwan, and Star, as the battle had caused me to lose my bearings. He had just enough energy to dodge my attack, causing it to hit the three teenagers. Jazz sucked the defeated Skulker into a Fenton Thermos. I fell to my knees knowing that I had just shot three humans with enough energy to vaporize a ghost. The ghostly chains around them had been broken, but all three were unconscious and bleeding from wounds not visible at my distance. Sam, Tucker, and Jazz ran over to me to try to calm me down from my panic attack. I immediately flew home and swore to never go ghost again. Dash, Kwan, and Star were rushed to the hospital. They all healed, but they were slightly deformed.

     "Danny? Danny? Daniel?" I realize Sam is saying my name as I pull myself away from that dreadful day.

     "Yea? Sorry. I was just thinking," I stutter.

     "You've got to let that all go. No one blames you. No one is mad at you. They've all forgiven you. You need to forgive yourself, honey. None of it was your fault," Sam says with sympathy in her eyes. I wrap my arms around her, and she holds on tight. We stay like this for a good hour.

     "Sam, baby, I want to try something. Will you wait on my bed for a minute?" She nods, and I run for the bathroom. I close and lock the door behind me. It's now or never.

     "Going ghost," I whisper. The flash of light encircles my waist and moves in either direction of my body. The same black and white jumpsuit covers my body with the customized symbol on my chest. My hair turns snow white and my eyes glow their ghostly green. I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror. My ghost form has aged along with me. The slight stubble I keep on my face for Sam is also white. I'm more muscular than before, and any changes my human body has gone through transferred over to my ghost body. I take one long look before returning to Sam in my bedroom. When she sees me, her jaw drops.

     "Danny..." she whispers.

     "Is it bad? I don't know if I should really do this again," I fret. Sam stands up from the bed and walks over to me. She rests her hands on my chest and looks into my eyes.

     "You just look so different. It is not a bad thing at all. If you want to make a comeback, I say go for it. If this is you saying goodbye to this part of you, that is one hundred percent okay. What are you going to do?" she asks with hopeful eyes.

     "I think I'm going to go for a little fly. Want to join? I'm sure Tucker and my parents will stay asleep. We can just go out for ten minutes," I suggest. She nods. I have her hop on my back and turn both of us intangible. I fly through the wall and make it to the sky. There are barely any clouds, and the moon is full tonight. It is a very peaceful (and romantic) atmosphere. I fly over our school, the zoo, and the park. Sam holds on tight with her arms wrapped around my chest. After about fifteen minutes, I start heading back to my house. We're almost there when I feel my powers start to give out. Sam and I start falling. I flip over so she is on my chest and hold her tightly. I try to put a shield around us so we don't hit the ground too hard, but it's pointless. We crash, and Sam is safe on me. Unfortunately, I black out and switch to human from impact.

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