01//Introductions are better sooner than later

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"Ashton." her angelic voice called.
"Ashton! Ashton, wake up! Come on we're gonna be late!" she shouted while violently shaking me. All of the sudden I was ripped from my sleep, and instead of seeing that beautiful, pale face from my dream my gaze fell upon none other than...Charlie. Charlie is what you'd call my best friend. I, on the other hand, call him my doofus that should have been my older brother, but sadly my parents decided to only have one child. "Get ready, and be downstairs ready to go in ten minutes." He ordered walking toward my bedroom door. "Sir yes sir!" I said in the best masculine voice I could manage. All Charlie did was shake his head as he walked out closing the door, most likely going downstairs to sweet talk my mom into making him some breakfast while he waited for me. I quickly peeled off my clothes as I walked to the bathroom connected to my room. Since I only had ten minutes and my hair didn't really need washing I put on my shower cap and got inside the shower letting the warm water clean off the soap after I had lathered myself up. I turned off the water jumping out to dry off.

I shoved my calculus homework into my backpack as I bounded down the stairs. I was looking down messing with the stuck zipper on my black backpack as I neared the end of the staircase, walking down the last three steps about to get the zipper unstuck I slammed into Charlie and fell backward.
"Wow, Ashton." He said helping me up and taking my backpack. He likes to think he's chivalrous by carrying my backpack, even though I'm more manly than he ever will be.
"How long do you guess?" He questioned pulling out his phone.
"Uh, 9 minutes...27 seconds?"
"Ohh, so close. The correct answer was 9 minutes and 56 seconds." Charlie corrected me like a game show host.
"That means we are roughly three minutes late. Let's go!" He demanded, throwing a Poptart at me and then dragging me behind him to his blue 1976 cj5 Jeep. He's a sucker for older cars.
"Thanks for the Poptart, Jackass." I mumble closing my door and putting on the seatbelt.
" your welcome, Doucheface." He replied jokingly. Jackass and Doucheface were like pet names that we had given to each other for fun.
"Come on Elise, don't fail me now," Charlie whispered/mumbled turning the key for the second time.
Suddenly Elise roared to life and Charlie smiled, happy we wouldn't be late...again. In case you were wondering, yes, Charlie is a time freak obsessed with following a schedule.
"Okay, if today goes as planned, I can make up my pre-first period history bathroom time by moving it to between second period English and third period biology." Charlie planned whilst glancing at me to give me the classic 'this is all your fault' look.
"I'm sorry I overslept Char. I promise I'll remember to turn on my alarm." I pleaded so he won't kill me in the middle of the night while I'm asleep.
"We both know you won't keep that promise." He pointed out knowingly.
"Charl-" I started only to be cut off
"You didn't let me finish. I know you didn't mean to oversleep, and so your apology is accepted." He finally said keeping his eyes on the road.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." I cheered, kissing his cheek.
"You won't regret forgiving me."
"Yes, I will." He remarked.
We finally arrived at the school, and I hopped out of the jeep bracing myself for what was to come.
As expected my other good friend Riley ran up behind me and jumped onto my back for her morning piggy back ride to class.
Charlie opened the door for us, ushering us inside and to Mr. Fredrickson's history class.

Sitting at my desk in the back next to Charlie and behind Riley, I watched as the rest of my classmates filed in and Mr. Fredrickson wrote "Rise and fall of the Roman Empire" across the dry erase board.
Ripping my eyes away from the board and glancing at the door...I see her. Gracelia Prescott.
"You're drooling," Charlie whispered in my ear, laughing at his own joke.
"Am not." I retorted defensively, punching his arm.
"Ow, and people wonder while I call you Doucheface." He murmured while rubbing his shoulder where I hit him.
"And you claim to to be manly!" I joked chuckling.
Gracelia walked down a row of desks and sat in the one next to none other than her boyfriend Will before giving him a small peck on the cheek. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and get jealous. What does he have that I don't? Oh yeah...a penis. Well I could, it would just be plastic and vibrate. Chances are Will is already fucking another girl, and poor naïve Gracelia has absolutely no idea.

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