02//Sex, alcohol, and...domestic violence?

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After four classes it was finally time to eat, and I was absolutely starving. After I grabbed my food, I walked over to where Riley was blaring music while drawing and Charlie was studying...for the calculus test...we have today...OH GOD NO!
I put sat down and violently shook Charlie's arm.
"Charlie! You have to help me!" I begged desperately.
"Why the hell do you keep shaking me?" he demanded taking out the earbuds I didn't know he had in.
"You have to help me study! Please char?" I begged again since he couldn't hear me before.
"First of all I don't have to do anything, second of all you said yesterday that your an "Independent woman who don't need no man" and then proceeded to snap your fingers in Z formation" he recited like he'd spent months preparing it.
"What do I have to do to get you to help me?" I asked. I'm so not giving up, I have to pass this test.
"Kneel down and say 'Sex god Charlie is the smartest person at this school, and I was wrong about not needing his help.' Well? Go on!" He told me an expecting look on his face.
"Ugh." I groaned kneeling down before him. I looked up at him with his arms folded looking back down at me raising his eyebrows as if to say "Hurry up, I don't have all day."
"Sex god Charlie-" I started and gulped deeply.
"-is the smartest person in this school, and I was wrong for thinking I wouldn't need his help." I finished looking like a tomato.
"Fine, you can use my notes. You owe me time though."
"Yay!" I squealed throwing my arms around him in a tight hug.
Don't turn around, Ashton." Charlie ordered whispering in my ear.
"Why not?" I asked turning around and coming face-to-face with all the other kids in my grade staring at me. Oh god.
"Damn it, Ash." He mumbled right before I ran towards the exit leading to the hallway. The last thing I heard before the door shut was Charlie yelling my name and the sound of his shoes hitting the ground as he ran to try and catch me.
~Small Charlie POV~
Shit. I didn't mean for that to happen. As I ran after Ashton, a hand grabbed my arm pulling me back. I looked to see who it was, and it was Gracelia with a sympathetic look on her face.
"Let me try." She said not leaving any room for argument. As she walked out I ran my hand through my hair thinking of a way to get Ashton to forgive me.
~Back to Ashton's POV~
As I sat on a bench, I started wondering about what all of those people are thinking about me right now. Being the center of attention is not my forte whatsoever.
"Ashton?" An all too familiar voice called. Great, she saw how weird I am.
"Come to laugh in my face?" I questioned feeling uneasy.
"No, I want to make sure you're okay. It's terrifying having everyone starring at you."
"How would you know? You're perfect." I huffed.
"There is no straight answer to what perfection is, so some people won't agree with that statement. Well...if you feel better later maybe you could try and make it to my party tonight? I'll let you invite your friends to make you feel more comfortable." She offered with what looked like hope in her eyes.
"Maybe," I stated nervously. She just nodded looking down at her shoes.
"I'll give you some alone time. Hope to see you tonight." She smiled as she walked off.
I took a deep breath getting up and making my way towards the lunch room. I used the second door by table hoping people wouldn't notice me. Luckily, I was able to sneak in and take a seat at our small table unnoticed.
"Ash, I am so sorry. It was supposed to be funny. I wasn't thinking." Charlie said with a panicked look.
"I'll accept your apology if you come with me to a party." I reasoned.
"Ugh, fine." He groaned.

"Do I really have to go? I could be in bed watching Netflix right now!" Charlie pouted.
"Too bad. You're coming and that's final."
After putting on my shoes I started to get nervous. After the incident at lunch, I'll be getting weird looks all night. I know it wasn't the worst thing that could've happened, but I am one of the shyest people on this planet.
Getting into Elise I think Charlie could sense my second thoughts because of the look he gave me.
"You didn't tell her you'd be there for sure, therefore you can still back out of this." He stated sympathetically.
"I'm fine, just drive." I said rolling my eyes.
As we approached, the sound of some trap song and flashing lights told me that was the right house.
I jumped out of the car mentally preparing myself for the worst. I walked to the porch, and when I got about a foot from the door it swung open revealing Gracelia with a short dress and a red solo cup in her hand.
"Hey, I'm so glad you guys were able to come. How are you, Ashton?"
"I-i'm good. This is Charlie." I said awkwardly.
"Who wants a drink?" Charlie blurted out before walking towards the kitchen with me in tow.
"I'll catch up with you guys later!" Gracelia called walking off...Will probably wants a blow or some shit. Gracelia isn't a slut, but Will wouldn't date her if she didn't put out. It's safe to say that he is the king of assholes. Grabbing my solo cup from Charlie, I turned around and went out the kitchen door walking deep into the party. I stopped walking when out the backdoor on the deck I saw Gracelia crying and screaming at Will. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but I knew it was bad when I saw Will slap her with the back of his right hand. Her hand came up to gently grasp her left cheek and she turned a little to the right with her eyes looking directly into mine. I saw Will grab her wrist probably to apologize, but she pulled her hand away, stormed into the house, and out the front door.
I followed the path she had just taken and found her leaning her shoulder against one of the support beams on the porch and staring at one of the streetlights.
"Go away Will" she harshly demanded, not turning around to see if it really was him.
"Not him," I mumbled quiet but loud enough for her to hear.
"Of course it's not, I should've known. He's probably inside getting a hand job from some random girl."
"Why are you even with him?" I blurted out.
"Sorry." I mumbled before she could answer.
"I was stupid enough to think that dating him would change who I really am." She said before shaking her head.
"I was so wrong." She sobbed. She wrapped her arms around me, crying into my shirt. I rubbed her back with one hand and cradled her head with the other. All of the sudden she leaned up a little pressing her lips to mine. I was so dumbfounded it took me a few seconds before I responded, gently kissing her back. She pulled away with I panicked look on her face.
"No. No, no, no, no, no." She repeated mumbling.
"I am so sorry!" She said just above a whisper.
"Y-you're...gay?" I questioned confused. What the hell is going on?
"I-I...I don't know...I'm confused. I want to be straight...but I love a girl." She said a small smile on her face when she mentioned the girl she loves. My heart sank when she said that though.
"She's a lucky girl...what's her name?" I asked pretending not to be upset.

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