05//Coming to terms

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"Uh...Ashton?" Gracelia asked, looking down at her hands folded in her lap.
"I'm coming to terms with who I am. I want to be with you, not Will. I don't care what they'll say anymore, I...I love you." She answered, before pecking my lips with her own.
"Gracelia?" A short brunette woman questioned walking over to us. Gracelia nodded looking up at her with a small smile.
"My name is Detective Bernal, I'll be taking your case. I was wondering perhaps you would give me some insight on what happened?"
As detective Bernal spoke with Gracelia, Charlie pulled me to the side away from the two of them.
"We have a problem..." Charlie whispers with a concerned look.
"What are you talking about?"
"I got a call from Sam. Will is looking for both of us and he is beyond pissed you took Gracelia away from him."

"Hey mom, you love me, right?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen extra early the next morning.
"What do you want?" She answered with more sass than any one of the Kardashians.
"Is it possible for me to skip the rest of high school?"
" That's a genius idea sweetheart, I'll be sure to drive down to McDonald's this afternoon to pick you up a job application." She answered back.
It was worth a shot. In that moment, I had the best idea in the world, let's wake up sleeping beauty.
I pulled on my Vans and walked out the door heading over to Charlie's  house. I pulled out the spare key from under Charlie's mom Karen's orchid pot and unlocked the door with ease. I slipped my shoes off, as to abide by Karen's shoe rule, they stay by the door.
I like to believe Char inherited his insanity from his mother. She may have her quirks, but I love her like a second mom. Charlie's family is a little different, his mom is a nurse who works overnights quite often, and his dad is a crippled veteran, he lost function in both of his legs as a result of a surprise attack while deployed years ago.
I snuck upstairs with the stealth of a ninja and made my way to Char's bedroom, the door was open just a crack, letting in enough light to see the reflection of a figure covered by a blanket in Charlie's mirror. I pushed the door slightly with my index and middle fingers, when suddenly...
"RAWR!" Charlie yelled jumping out at me making me scream and jump back.
"Holy shit, I think I felt the ground shake when you landed just now." Charlie joked making me glare at him.
"Sorry, your mom and I teamed up, she sent me a message when you left the house so I could prep." I rolled my eyes at that statement.
"You owe me breakfast, or you could let me kick your ass." I said, my eyes lighting up, either way I win.
"Chocolate chip pancakes from Nico's?" He questioned, making me nod my head excessively like a child would.
Nico's is the best and most popular diner in town. One of the saddest moments in town was when Nico Herbic passed away, that man made a mean pancake. The restaurant was taken over by his daughter, Meyana, a few months after, said she wanted to "Continue his legacy of breakfast foods."

We pulled into the school parking lot and parked next to Lance's black Kia Optima. Lance started dating Riley freshman year and they have been basically inseparable ever since. You could say he can also be somewhat scary looking, but once you get to know him you can see that he isn't that bad. I'll be honest, I've known him for a few years now, and he still intimidates me.
I turned to my right, and the very first thing I saw was the two of them sucking face...just lovely.
I picked up an empty water bottle from the floorboards most likely left behind by me, and threw it at them; the bottle hit the window startling Riley. Lance smirked at me as Riley rolled her eyes at me and got out of the car.
"You're just jealous." Riley exclaimed as I got out of the car. I'll just ignore that statement.
*Lance POV*
I walked up to Charlie, my teeth playing with my lip piercing, concern filling my body more than oxygen
"Expecting all hell to break loose?" Charlie laughed faintly.
"Do the two of you have any idea what you've done? He's not going to let this go, do you understand that?" I tried explaining. As soon as we walk in there and Will sees us, he's gonna attack. I know me and Riley will be fine, but I don't know about Ashton or Charlie.
*Back to Ashton's POV*
Once everyone was ready, we started heading towards me and Charlie's lockers.
"Hey, Butch!" I heard one of Will's goons Aiden shout. Will looked up at me when he said this, a sadistic grin appearing on his face.
"Hey, little-dick!" I called back.
"You got some nerve." Will started, making the hall go dead silent. Lance grabbed Riley by the waist, pulling her into his side. "First you steal my girl, and then you call my acquaintances names like that?"
"Shut the fuck up." Charlie let slip while rolling his eyes, making Will turn and point at him with his index finger giving him a threatening look. Suddenly, Will spun around and hit me in the stomach, making me sink to the ground in pain.
"Oh hell no!" Lance shouts tossing Will across the hall like a rag doll and tackling him to the floor. Lance straddled Will and Charlie held his arms over his head, letting Lance punch him over and over until blood started to stain the floor. All you could hear was Lance's fist making impact and Riley begging him to stop. Suddenly a door slammed open and Mr. Asterman along with Mr. Ellis stormed out and ran to rip Lance off of Will.
"Get to class!" My old teacher from freshman year Mrs.Rajput, whom I still hate, yelled in her thick Hindi accent.
"You five are coming to the principal's office."

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