03//Crawl back to the person who hurt you

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"Who?" I asked shocked
"You. I love you. I have for years, I just haven't had the balls to say it." She explained. How is this even happening?
"Ash!" Charlie yelled interrupting our talk.
"I've been looking for you everywhere. We have to go, my parents are gonna kill me if I'm not back soon. Sorry, Gracelia. Thanks for inviting us." He rushed dragging me behind him toward Elise.

Walking into school on Monday, I couldn't get that kiss off my mind. I had stayed in bed all weekend stressing over what will happen today. On top of all that, Charlie's mad at me now since I blew off our Xbox game marathon. As I was getting a book out of my locker, I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turn around and guess who I see?
Gracelia staring back at me.
"We need to talk." She said in a serious voice. Shit.
She pulled me along to an empty classroom...cliche I know...where are all the teachers?
"About the party...I'm really sorry, Ashton. I-I just don't know what to do, and you probably don't even feel the same! I can't-" I cut off her rant by slamming my lips into hers. She kissed back, and after a few seconds pulled back with a shocked and confused face.
"Does this mean you...?" She stammered.
"I think...it depends on what the end of that sentence is. I love you if that's what you were asking, and I'd like to be with you if that's okay." I answered, my voice filled with hope that I tried my best to hide.
"It has to be a secret, I'm not ready to tell anyone." She demanded. I couldn't nor would I force her into coming out. Am I happy about being a secret? Hell no, but all in good time. She gave me another peck on the lips before wandering out the door and down the hall. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I walked into class and took my seat next to Charlie.
"Please talk to me? I'm sorry, I was just stressed out. I didn't want to bum you out." I explained wanting him to at least look at me.
"Fine, have you guys talked?" He finally answered.
"Yeah, we're secretly a thing. Tell anyone and I'll slice off your balls." I threatened with a serious look and raised eyebrows.
"Phu-lease! If anyone, including all lesbians, got their hands anywhere close to this dick they'd fall in love." He sassed back at me.
Eventually, the door opened and in walked Gracelia. To my surprise, she walked down one of the rows and took a seat next to Will before pecking his cheek.
"Oh my God." Charlie whispered grabbing ahold of my hand. I looked at my lap as my vision got blurry. Did she have to do that? I know she's pretending, but he's an asshole who slapped her just a couple days ago.
"Ash...are you okay?" Charlie questioned a sympathetic look on his face.
"Great, Never better." I answered sarcastically.
I saw Gracelia in the halls wanting to talk to her, but Will was always there with his arm around her. Whatever he said must've been funny, because she gave out one of the most genuine laughs I've ever heard.
At lunch, I stabbed my food like I was determined to kill it more than it already had been. Gracelia is basically rubbing herself all over him right now in front of me and doesn't even care about how angry I'm getting. She looked over at me and flashed me one of those small apologetic smiles you give a widow. I can't take this anymore. I stood up, tossed my food in the trash, and stormed out. Gracelia must have seen and followed, because she called out my name as I stomped down the hall. All I did was keep on walking ignoring the fact that I don't want to walk away. I was on the roof of the school when suddenly I heard the door open and close. Already knowing who it was, I rolled my eyes.
"What the hell? I don't know what you did, but Gracelia won't stop crying." He scolded as if I were a misbehaving child.
"Because apparently it's always me in the wrong. She's "fake dating" Will, which means she's obviously shagging him!" I retorted harshly, my tone spewing venom with every word.
"We both know he wouldn't be with her if she didn't put out." I defended. It's all because she's too scared to show who she really is to the world.
"Please, just talk to her." Charlie begged in an 'I'm too tired to fight with you' kind of voice.
I walked past him, ignoring his sigh of defeat. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder, aggressively swinging the door to go inside open. I don't understand how it's apparently always me in the wrong. At least I'm loyal.

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