Chapter 1

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Authors Note: Well guys I decided to start another story called Holding The Key To My Heart which is an Emison story. I hope you guys like this story.

Chapter 1: Holding Secrets

The sunshine in Rosewood, Pennsylvania was always pretty around this time of year. The way the sunlight beated against the windows. The way the light shined inside of the houses in the morning hours. At the Calderon house it peaceful and quiet as Alison Calderon paced the kitchen thinking about her husband who had been absent since yesterday. Alison worried about her husband a lot, she may have not loved him, but on some kind of level she did care about him and his safety. The last call she had received from him was yesterday at 10 and with him being a police officer, he wouldn't have time to text her each hour of the day letting her know he was okay.

Alison's phone chimed. Her mood instantly went from gloomy to sad when she picked up the phone. She saw Emily written across the screen. She smiles before typing away on the keyboard. Nobody knew about her secret named Emily Fields. She had met Emily in the senior year of college while grabbing some coffee from the Brew. Emily was the lovely brunette barista that everybody loved. Alison had met Emily and fell head over and heels in love with her. Her long tan legs that seemed they could go on for miles and miles to come.

Today was September 31st, 2014. Alison Dilaurentis was walking on her regular route from school to work. Usually she didn't make a stop for coffee, but today seemed like the day to grab a nice fresh of warm coffee, to warm her body up and to add some energy to her body that she lost last night from her work. There she sat at the register clicking away with her long tan fingers that had been manicured about a week ago. The brunette looks up locking eyes with the blonde who had just entered. Alison couldn't believe the beauty that this girl had held. The way her cheeks puffed up when she got frustrated with the computer that sat in front of her.

The brunette puts all of her attention now on the girl who was just staring at her. She looked confused wondering why the girl had her blue gray eyes on her. Alison was married and had been married since she was 18-years-old right out of highschool. Lorenzo and her eloped right when she was handed her diplomat. They went to Vegas ans tied the knot. "Hi my name is Alison Dilaurentis." Alison greets using her maiden name instead of her martial name.

"My name is Emily Fields." Emily responds looking behind the blonde making sure a line wasn't gathering behind her. "I work here at the Brew you can obviously tell. What can I get you?"

The blonde contemplates on whether to continue this conversation. She decides to keep her spot and watch the brunette closely watching her every move. The long fingers dragged across the keyboard typing in the numbers for the coffee. "It will be one moment." Emily tells her ringing the coffee up. "2.14 please."

Alison opens her red purse that had layers of fluff on it. She picked this purse out to make her look like she had loads of cash, but she could tell that this woman in front of her didn't care about the cash. Which made Alison like this girl even more. "Here you go." Alison hands the exact change to the hand that was opened and ready to grab the money. Her hand shuts when the money touches her skin. She opens the register and slips the money in correctly, turning around and starts filling up the cup of coffee. Alison licks her jungle red lips while watching this tan girl make the coffee with so much perfection, Alison was almost wishing she could be as perfected as this woman.

Emily hands her the coffee with a smile. Even though the coffee was in Alison's hand she still stood in front of Emily not moving a muscle. "Would you like to go out for lunch sometime?" Alison asks in an unsure voice. She wasn't sure if Emily was into guys or girls, but either way would like someone to talk to. Alison was wanting for months to tell Lorenzo its over and grab ahold of a girl and kiss her, but she couldn't knowing her baby girl, Gracie was going to get hurt in the mix.

Gracie wasn't even Lorenzo's. Gracie's dad was Noel Kahn, but a couple of weeks before she was born he was killed in a tragic car accident leaving Alison as a single mom. She looked at Lorenzo for help and money. She lived off of Lorenzo's money still, she even lives with him, and sleeps in his bed. She couldn't break up with him and divorce him, she had to stay with him for her daughter.


Alison felt her heart grow about three sizes that day after hearing those words come out of her mouth. She grabbed a red ball point pen from her fashionable purse and wrote a couple of numbers down. "Call me." Alison whispers in a hush sexy voice before leaving the Brew.

Alison fell in love with Emily after a couple of dates. If Alison could go back into time she wouldn't have changed a thing that happened. "Hello." Alison answers in a clear voice awaiting for the voice on the other end to talk. She misses the voice so much the deep voice, but was in a velvety tone.

"Hey Ali." Emily responds in a chirpy voice. Today was a good day for Emily she had gotten a job as a swimming coach near Syracuse for the summer leaving her 100 miles away from the love of her life. "I miss you so much, but this experience has been spectacular."

"Thanks for the reassurance Em. Next time don't take a job that is so far away from me. You know that I love you and its hard to be away from such a pretty girl like you." Alison confesses in a half joking voice.

"Oh Alison don't confess to much. Hey I thought you said before that I am a beautiful woman. Now I am a pretty girl? Why the step down?" Em jokes cracking a smile and laugh. Emily sighs with happiness. A sudden silence comes over them, its not awkward at all nothing about them has been awkward they have just been two ladies in love with each other.

Alison sighs to after hearing a beeping noise come from her phone. "I have to go my work is calling me. I will talk to you later Em. Love ya." Alison ends the call and picks up the other line where she hears her husband's breathing. "Lorenzo? Where have you been? I have been worried sick I was calling you for hours." Alison worriedly let's out pacing the room once again.

Lorenzo cracks a small smile loving that his wife was so worried about him. "I'm fine. I was at my friends house and I was getting advice. We lost track of time and he eventually told me to leave. I will be home in a couple of minutes."

"Wait- you were at Toby's weren't you?"

Lorenzo coughs into the phone. "Yes. Alison don't worry I will be there in a couple of hours. I am right outside of Philadelphia. Tell Gracie I love her and give her a big kiss for me. I love you Ali." Lorenzo tells her awaiting for her response, but only hears the phone click.

Alison sighs and throws her phone on the counter before walking into her 4 year old daughter's room. The blonde little girl sat on the floor playing with her dolls, that were originally Aria Montgomery's, but she gave them to Alison a couple of years back when she decided to change her photo ideas. "Mommy?" the little girl asks looking up at her mom with her big blue eyes that had specks of brown in them, everyday the little girl had another memory of Noel in her.

Alison smiles and gets on her knees in front of her daughter. "Yes?"

"Why is my last name different from you and daddies. My friends at school have their daddies last names while I have neither mom or dad's last name." Gracie explains standing up making her the same height as her mom who was on her knees. The mother leans forward and kisses her daughter on the forehead.

"I will tell you when you're a little older, but for now know that mommy loves you very much and you need to go to bed." Alison tells her in a sweet caring voice. She picks up her daughter and sets her on her princess bed. "Goodnight sweet pea." She kisses her daughter on the cheeks and leaves the room.

Alison was married to Lorenzo yet someone else held the key to her heart. Emily Fields was the proper owner to her heart and forever would own it. She was completely under Emily Field's love spell and it would take a lot to got out of it, but for now she didn't mind being in her spell.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I will update very soon when I get 10 votes and 5 comments. Thanks for reading.

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