Chapter 4

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Here is the next chapter!! I hope you guys enjoyed :D

Chapter 4: All I Can Do Is Think About You

Her dark black eyelashes were stuck together as she tried to open her eyes. The blonde hair was sticking to her neck after all of the tears ran down her neck and landed on her hair. Little Gracie came running into the room with a small picture in hand. "Mommy look what I drew you." Gracie thrusts the picture forward into her mother's face trying to show her the beautiful drawing. She did have to admit that her kid did have some kind of drawing skills. Alison honestly didn't know where her drawing skills came from considering she can only draw stick people and when Noel was alive he couldn't draw either.

"This is amazing, sweetie." Alison analyzed letting her eyes linger over every single detail her daughter had put into the work of art. "I love it so much. I am going to make sure that this picture goes onto the special fridge for everyone to see."

The little girl's beautiful blue eyes look up at her mom. "Everyone?" she asks in her timid voice. Alison reaches over to grab her small blonde toddler. She tickles her a bit in the side of her stomach making the little girl fall into a fit of laughter trying to get out of reach from her mother.

"Of course everyone silly. Everyone is going to love to see Gracie's new drawings. Do you want me to show daddy this or no?" Alison pinched the girl's slightly rosy cheeks. The blonde hair goes into a small spin as she shakes her head 'no'. "No? What do you mean no? Dad would love to see the new drawings you came up with."

Her lips twitch into a smile as her mother's mouth becomes a full out grin. "Okay mommy show daddy, but make sure not to put it on the fridge i'm not ready for everyone to see my extravagant drawings."

"Extravagant? Isn't that to big of a word for a small kid like you?" Alison teases her small daughter. Gracie's hands go onto her hips as she gives her mom a sassy look.

"Mommy." the little girl wines. "I am not a small kid. I am a big kid not one of those tiny ones everybody makes fun of."

Alison missed moments that she had with her daughter over the years especially the first year when she was still getting over the fact that Noel was gone forever and never coming back into their lives. Meeting Lorenzo at the park was a mistake. Alison became a soccer coach for a team trying to make some cash while her mother watched her daughter. Everything was going perfectly fine until she was shipped the bill for Noel Kahn's funeral. As soon as that bill was put on her credit cards she fake loved Lorenzo, so she could pay for it all. Now that it is all paid she didn't know what to do.

"You're still my little baby that I love with all of my heart. I never want to miss another moment with. Never again."

Gracie smiles. "Cross your heart?" Gracie questions tilting her head like her mother usually does. Gracie had alot of features like her mother the only difference was that sometimes Noel Kahn's personality would come out to play and not the good part of himself either.


"What am I suppose to do?"

Aria and Spencer look over at the friend before pressing dial on the brunette's phone. "Honestly I don't know what to do considering I am not into this love thing." Spencer responds before hearing a very muffled hello. "Where are you?"

"I am on my way I got stuck behind some stupid guy who can't drive." Hanna explains raising her voice at the end of the sentence. "Why what's going on? I got an S.O.S., but since we haven't wrote that to each other in a long time I thought it was a mistake."

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