Chapter 2

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Thank you soo much for all of the kind votes!!!! Okay now here is a new update. Thanks for reading!!

Chapter 2: Breaking My Heart

Her hands were tangled in layers of dark brown hair. The kisses were becoming more and more heated as they got closer to the bed. There was a first time for everything and this would be the first time she ever went all the way with a woman. Emily hands started fumbling with the buttons on Alison's blue button up shirt. She evently got all of the buttons on done and pushes the sleeves off of her arms making the shirt drop behind Ali. The blonde moaned when Emily started kissing her neck with open mouthed kisses. The brunette seemed very experience in this department making Alison shy away a bit when the dark haired woman's hands went to her shorts.

Alison opens her blue ocean eyes with her hands gripping the sheets. There was no Emily making he sad and depressed. It was all a dream Emily wasn't in her bed nor was she even in the state. Ali sighs as she felt sweat drip down her forehead, she hated when she got dreams like this especially if they were ones that she actually did want to happen. Today was a sad day as the rain dripped down the windows at a rapid pace. The forecast had said showers from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. The mother hated when the weather was bad it made her mood change to sad and it also made her daughter grumpy too. She heard small pitter patters coming from the kitchen meaning that the only sunshine today was awake.

The mom walks into the kitchen as sees her daughter reaching high trying to grab and of the cereal box about 5 feet higher then her. Alison chuckles to herself watching her daughter trying to figure out the easiest way to get the food she wanted desperately in her empty stomach. Gracie finger goes to her chin while she tries thinking of the best way possible finally some clicks in the little girl's brain. "Mommy." the little girl calls looking over her shoulder and her blue eyed mom. "I can't get the cereal. Can you get it for me?"

Alison smiles at her daughter. Of course her kid would think like Alison use someone else to get what you wanted. She plucks the cereal box off of the top pantry and sets in on the counter grabbing a plastic bowl because her being a little girl, she will either spill it or drop it in some way. She pours a little bit of cereal and not a whole lot of milk knowing that her daughter hates having a lot of milk in her cereal and she had the tendency to waste the milk. She hands her daughter the bowl of cereal. "What do you say sweetie?"

"Thank you mommy. Are you picking me up?" Gracie asks in a cute little voice trying to get her mom to say 'yes'. The mom shakes her head at her daughter, the little girls remembers her mothers words from the night before. "Oh yeah daddy is picking me up andand taking me out for ice cream."

Alison raises an eyebrow at her daughter. "Oh is he?" Alison questions remembering that she told Lorenzo not to take Gracie out for ice cream because it was bad for her health.

"Mommy please don't tell daddy that I told you. Please. He won't get me any ice cream if you do. He told me not to tell you. Please don't tell him. Pleaseee." the little girl begs with a pleading face. She had a couple of tears shining in her big blue eyes.

"Okay fine, but you have to clean your mom and make up your bed neatly." the mom tells her daughter in a stern voice. Gracie nods her head rapidly and runs out of the room to do her chores. Alison smirks and shakes her head. She hears her phone beep next to her and picks up and sees Lorenzo's face on the screen. "Hey you." Alison answers with a smile.

"Hey Ali. I was wondering if you and Gracie wanted to go to the park later for a lunch date?" Lorenzo asks his wife. Alison thinks for a couple of moments. She had plans to go out with Emily for lunch, but she knew she couldn't tell that story to her husband, so instead smiles.

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