Chapter 3

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Sorry for the long wait Now here is finally the next chapter to this story. I hope all of you guys enjoy it. Thanks for reading :D

Chapter 3:

Tears were coming down Emily's face at a rapid pace. She couldn't believe that she just saw Alison cozying it up with another person. It had been a long time since Emily has really cried over a person and here she was with bloodshot eyes and an empty box of soft tissues next to her. A sound came from her front door and heard a very familiar pleading voice. "Emily please open the door." Alison begs on the other side of the wooden door.

Emily sniffles one last time before opening the door and peering over at the blonde, who had blood shot eyes. "I'm so sorry, Em." Alison appolgizes.

"Sorry isn't enough at this point. I should have known that you were the type of woman to cheat on somebody." Emily's harsh voice slices a knife through Alison's heart, that only beated for two people; Emily and Gracie. "I don't think I could ever trust you again."

"I wasn't cheating on you!" Alison blurts out in a loud voice, making Emily jump at the sound of her voice. Emily cocks her head to the side with a confused look plastered on her face.

"What do you mean?" Emily sniffles grabbing another soft tissue from the container. The blonde shuts her eyes tight trying to find the words to describe the situation they were in. This was possibly the most difficult conversation she ever had with a person, she is in love with. She shakes her head a bunch at the brunette she was in love with.

"I'm married."

Emily felt her heart snap into millions of pieces. She felt bitter toward Alison now. The only words she could get out was. "How long?"

"A couple of years now, but that doesn't matter." Alison tries to convince Emily.

"It doesn't matter! What do you mean it doesn't matter. It means everything to me. Everytime we kissed and I thought of you as my girlfriend, but actually someone else in the world was claiming you as their wife!" Emily yells with tears trickling down her face. "How can I be with you when your married?"

"I'm so sorry Em. I d-"

"No don't call me Em, you can't call me Em anymore. Alison we can't be together when you're married to another GUY. Not girl. Guy. Did you lie to me? Do you truly love me or was that a-" Emily yells, but starts calming down as she got to the end of her sentence. Her voice starts to crack at the end of the facts she was telling out of her mouth.

Alison reaches forward to grab ahold of Emily's hands, but Emily jerks them away from Alison. "Emily I do love you. I love you soo much, I don't love Lorenzo at all. He doesn't hold the key to my heart, only you do." the blonde calmly tells her with all of her heart. Alison felt her heart beating a million per minute, she didn't know what was going to happen next. She didn't know if Emily was going to kick her out and never talk to her again or if the brunette was going to forgive her actions. "I am going to divorce him soon."

Emily shakes her head letting her hair fly back and forth against her back. "No Alison I don't think I will be able to trust you ever again. I'm sorry, but I do love you soo much. Goodbye Alison." the brunette walks over to the door and opens it, and puts her head down not daring to look up at the blonde.

"I'm sorry, Emily. Goodbye." With that Alison was out the doot with tears racing down her face. Em sighs and closes the door. She turns around letting her back hit against the door before sliding down. The tears hit the floor next to her, making her face moist from all of the hot tears coming out of her brown eyes. The brunette couldn't believe she just let the love of her life out of her life. Alison holds the key of her heart and she holds her. This was going to be the hardest day of her life knowing that Alison wasn't hers anymore. Was Alison ever hers though? Did Alison actually love her? Emily wished she could be touching Alison's soft hair comforting her telling her that it is okay that she lied to her for years. Emily was wishing that Alison had said that their relationship was real, but wishing is wanting something different and she wouldn't change a thing from their relationship. She was truly in love with Alison Dilaurentis.

Thank you soo much for reading this story. I will update when I get at least 40 views on this story and 20 votes. I am feeling incredibly lazy. Which I am always feeling you guys can tell. Thanks for e adding the shortest update ever. Love you guys thanks!!!

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