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Amy's POV.

I was still thinking about what Steve had said to me, about Bucky and i had finally decided to talk to the one armed mystery about these ridiculous allegations.

"Hey Buck, can I talk to you?" I rehearsed in my room. "great, so i was talking to Steve... No, do NOT throw Captain America under a bus. " I groaned and flopped back on
the bed. "what are you really doing here? No that's not right either!" i sat up and grabbed my crutches. "screw it, never goes as planned anyways." so i hopped down the hall to Bucky's room and I knocked on the door.


"I need to talk to you, which is obvious since that's what I'm doing right now...." i began screaming in my head.

"Okay...?" He opened the door and let me in.

"So I was just wondering..." I flopped on the bed and groaned loudly

"You were wondering, UUUUGGGHHH!!???!?!!?" He immitated my previous dying whale noise.

"I'm just not sure how to ask..." I said hesitantly.

"Ask me anything, its okay." He flopped next to me and I grabbed his metal hand.

"This is really heavy." I laced my fingers through the cool silvery metal.

"Quit stalling." He said shifting to his side, our faces were impossibly close and I could see the little green flecs in his blue eyes.

"Why are you still here? What were you doing on the overpass when we got into the accident, why did you come with us? Why are you sticking around like this?" I asked, his eyes darkened.

"You talked to Steve didn't you?" He sat up, I grabbed his real arm and he turned back around to looke at me.

"I asked him the same thing, he told me you were going to leave, what stopped you?" His eyes softened and he cupped my cheek with his big, warm hand.

"If I leave now, you'll be in way more danger, this is how I am protecting you." He sighed. "I'm the one that brought you into all of this, I never should have come to you in the first place. I can't change it now, and I'm sorry, Amy, I'm so sorry that you are in so much danger, and I swear I will protect you with my life." I nodded and hugged him, his body tensed and I was going to pull away when he gripped my waist and Nuzzled his face in my neck.

"Why do you want to protect me so badly?" I mumbled in his ear.

"I don't really know." He looked at me, keeping his arms firmly around my hips.

"That's not what Steve said." His faced burned crimson.

"And what did Steve say?" Bucky asked, I knew Cap was a goner.

"That he thinks you... like me." I changed love for like so I wouldn't freak him out.

"And what do you think?" He asked me.

"I don't know what to think." I said. "but I know you pity me, and I'm pretty sure you're only here to help clear your own conscience." I said honestly, I didn't like beating around the bush.

"Pity you? I envy you, you've got a crappy past, and you managed to overcome it, you are missing a leg, and you joke about it, you were dangling over an overpass and you helped everyone get to safety, you helped me, and you didn't even know me, I don't pity you, I wanna be like you." he said firmly. "And in not here to help my conscience, I'm not even sure in have one." his eyes darkened. "Steve's right, part of the reason I'm here is because I do like you, and also because I put you in danger, and after everything you've done for me, I'm not gonna let them hurt you for it." I was shocked.

"You do have a conscience, if you didn't you wouldn't care. And I'm not special at all, I just try to be." I said honestly. I slipped my arms up around his neck. "But I really like you, and I think you have a lot of potential, and I am really happy you're here." His real hand brushed through my hair.

"How much trouble would I be in if I kissed you?" he asked, he was mere centimetres from my lips.

"Lets find out." And I kissed him. It was different than any other kiss I'd had, it was needy and powerful. He held me carefully, like he was afraid to hurt me, and his metal arm was cold against my skin, I shivered and pressed myself closer to him. My fingers were tangled in his hair and his real hand was caressing my face.

It was perfect, I felt alive and happy, and it was real. There weren't silly fireworks or ballads in the background, just quiet gasps, my stomach was tied in knots, I was so nervous I could barely think.

"So, am I in trouble?" he asked with a grin as he pulled away.

"Only if you stop." I smirked, this time he kissed me, and we sat on the bed, just kissing.

It was innocent, mostly, he didn't try anything and I didn't want him to, I wouldn't even call it snogging, it wasn't that sloppy, it was just... important, like it was supposed to be happening, like it was real, and right, and meaningful.

After a few minutes, we both pulled away, he still held me by my waist and he rested his forehead on mine.

"What is this?" he asked me. "What are we?"

"I'll let that be up to you " I said breathlessly.

"I want to be with you, and I want you to be all mine." He said, like he'd known what he's wanted from the beginning.

"Okay, I actually really like that idea." I grinned leaning in for another kiss.

"We should probably go, I don't want to miss dinner." He said while kissing me.

"Do you want anyone to know about this?" I asked, between little kisses.

"I don't know." He said in my ear placing a tiny kiss on my jaw.

"We won't tell anyone tonight, but well talk later and figure it out." I decided.

"Steve will know." He pointed out.

"Steve already knows, he knew before we did." I laughed.

"True, lets go." But he didn't move, he just held me.

"We can wait a few more minutes." I pulled him on the bed and we just cuddled, we didn't say much, it was just nice to he there with each other.

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