Near Death Experiences.

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Perks of being a nurse aren't as good as say a princess or a president or a rockstar, but when it comes to medical issues, they can be far more valuable.

So I hopped out of the hospital in a pair of sweat shorts and a tank top, one leg short but on free crutches.
"You sure you don't want me to carry you?" Steve asked again.

"If you ask again, I will kill you with these things." I glared as Sam drove up with the truck.

"C'mon, we've gotta get to the safe house, we saw a few black vans on the curb, let's go." I climbed in the back and slid behind Sam as Steve stood behind me balancing me and then hopping in behind Natasha.

"Where's your other leg?" She asked casually, I liked that she wasn't treating me like I was an infant, that's how my mother was and why I never told anyone else.

"Got chucked out of a window on the top floor." I shrugged.

"Nice." She chuckled.

"Let's just get out of here." Steve said, watching me nervously.

"I'm fine." I said looking out the window. "Where's Nox?!" I panicked.

"Relax, I left him at the safe house, cute kitten by the way."

"Thanks." I smiled proudly as a massive thump scared Sam out of his lane.

"What's going on?!" I exclaimed.

"Not again." Natasha pulled a couple of guns out of her bag. "Amy, get down." The truck slammed against a black van. and the sunroof shattered in, the man I'd helped fell through and I stared at him in shock.

"They're here for you." He said roughly handing me a gun. "Stay out of the way." And then he disappeared.

"What just happened?!" Sam demanded angrily.

"You know him?!" Natasha asked as the van beside us opened fire on our windows, I screamed as Steve tackled me, he was keeping me down with his shield protecting us from the whizzing bullets overhead.

All of a sudden the bullets stopped and a massive explosion threw us away from the bad guy's van.

We were hanging half over the overpass, a fall from here would definitely kill us, especially if we fell still in the truck.

"What do we do?" I whispered, afraid to even breathe.

"Amy, very slowly, you and I will bust out the back window." Steve said calmly. "Then Sam and I will climb in the back, followed by Nat and then you." He said, he immediately smashed out the back glass with his shield as Sam practically flew into the bed.

"Why do I have to go last?!" I asked panicked as the whole car shifted as Natasha climed slowly to the window, the second she was clear the car groaned.

"You're the lightest, we will balance it out and then help you out." Natasha explained.

"Amy, start passing us the stuff, don't worry, we won't let you fall." Steve said as I carefully handed back everyone's bags and my crutches.

"Amy your boyfriend just killed all those guys, you might might wanna hurry up he's coming this way." Sam said.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I said trying -and failing- to climb into the bed, this is where dual-leggedness would be a blessing.

"Amy, give me your hands." Steve said as the truck groaned again.

I hesitated and reached out, he pulled me out and we all dove from the falling truck as it plummeted down.

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