Chapter 14- Part2.

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Having India live with me slyly gassed me, most of the mandem said she was nice. She was nice and everything but I didn't really care bout her looks, she had a banging personality and I liked that. When she came back to the yard she was in yesterday's clothes which told me she was out with man last night, she smiled at me then turned the kettle on. I watched her as she took her shoes and jacket off, then she started taking her jeans off. She laughed when she could see me watching her:

India: is there a problem?

Me: nah just admiring your body

India stuck her bum out more and started posing, I laughed at her then walked to my room. The other thing about me and India is we didn't sleep together, only after sex but on a day to day ting she slept in the other room. I'd like to make it official with India but she would have a nigga wondering what she was doing, I still believe she fucks around like time back but I wasn't about to judge her from them days. I sat on my bed and stared at the ceiling, sometimes I thought about doing the most savage things ever, like being like these dumb yutes that don't think before they do something. India came in my room with apple juice, she sat next to me on the bed and stared at the ceiling with me. We didn't speak just stared, having her here felt good I didn't feel so alone now.

I must have fell asleep at some point cause when I woke up it was 8:30pm, India was still next to me fast asleep. I got up Slowly but I managed to wake her, she looked confused then smiled:

India: we've been asleep for long shit!

Me: I needed that still

India: same but I'm supposed to be somewhere right now..

Me: get him to pick you up fam, I wouldn't have my girl getting on busses

India: how do u know its a he?

Me: b it's obvious, he ain't really down for u like that if he lets u get on busses and shit. Every time you come back your all edgy

India: well it's just fun tyrese, nuttin serious, I'm not even about him like dat

Me: rah your 18 turning 19 soon, fun should slyly be out the equation. What about uni, work? You didn't even finish colly.

India: listen I don't need you defending me, I can do what the fuck I like when the fuck I like. You ain't my dad, in fact you ain't nothing to me. Just some guy who fucks me, I ain't shit to anyone and I don't expect to be. I'm just India. I'm me..

Me: rah is it like dat, kl your right I ain't ur dad I'm just someone who fucks you. I'm someone who don't care bout you like dat, do your ting b.

India slammed the bathroom door shut and turned the shower on, I could still hear her crying. I didn't wanna upset her but she needed to hear a few home truths, some man don't think like me. They don't think at all, they don't care if gyal catch feelings in fact they don't care bout gyal at all unless she's wifey..
I walked back to my room and turned my play station on, India had a towel
Wrapped round her and she had no makeup on. She looked way better like dis, I liked natural beauty. She stayed silent then sat on the edge of my bed:

India: your right

Me: nah I'm wrong b, your right. You are your own person I can't change you

She moved closer to me and lay in my arms, I felt tears dropping on my arm. I sat her up and wiped them, I looked directly in her eyes and could see the pain she was in. She wanted someone to love her but she wasn't really putting herself out there quite well,I kissed her lips softly then went on top of her. I slowly got lower till I reached her pum I have never eaten a girl out so she was something special, I felt the bedsheets tighten and India breath slowly. She then started saying she loves me, I was pleasuring her bare. I came back up and took my dick out, I put a condom on then started making love to India. None of that rough shit, pure slow. She moaned my name once or twice but the rest was just deep breathing, I turned her around and started giving it her from the back. I slid it in slowly then slid out, I kept doing this for a good 10 mins. I went back to the position before and paced myself, I could feel myself ready to buss. I went slightly faster then bussed inside the condom, I lay still inside India for 5 mins then got off her. She lay on the bed wrapped in my covers, I took the condom off and wrapped it up I placed it in tissue then put it in the bin. I walked back in the room to see India still lay down, I lay next to her and spoke:

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