Chapter 19- Ride or die

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Everything was looking up for me now, I was starting my job at selfridges next week and I was planning to move out very soon. Me and Ronaldo was still together so I planned for us two to get a flat together, I stared at myself in the mirror and smiled. I haven't felt this good about myself since back when me and Ronaldo started seeing each other, I felt like I should change the way I  look. My mum came bursting in my room before I could do anything, she sat on the edge of my bed then spoke:

Mum: guess who I got a call off before

Me: I don't know tell me

Mum: your dad

Me: what does he want.

Mum: to see you, he's coming here soon. I told him you was in...

Me: why would you do that mum? I told you I didn't want anything to do with him, not after he left you to be with that hoe.

Mum: maybe it's time to build them bridges again, that was a long time I have no bad blood towards your dad. After all he's the father of my kids..

She left my room smiling, I knew she wasn't happy about this. When I was 14 my dad left my mum, at first he told her he was working away and she accepted it but he didn't come home. We thought something happened to him he didn't call or text us, just left us all wondering where he was. Eventually my mum told us she was splitting up with him, I was heartbroken at that age. Andre didn't really care, he wasn't really Interested about family back then. He use to hang around outside chicken shops with his friends..


I heard talking downstairs then I heard my dads voice, I heard my mum shouting me to come downstairs but I wouldn't. I stayed in my room watching TV, I heard a little knock at the door then he came in. He looked completely different, not how I remember him. He smiled at me then sat on the edge of my bed:

Dad: haven't you grown, didn't even recognise you!

Me: hmm.

Dad: why don't you come downstairs there's someone I want you to meet..

Me: who your prize bitch

Dad: don't talk about her like that

Me: what you gunna do? Smack me ?

Dad: listen what happened between me and your mum has nothing to do with you, I never stopped loving you and your brother remember that.

He pushed opened the door then walked back downstairs, maybe he was right everything changes..


Aleisha: I've got something to tell you

Me: what?

Aleisha: I'm catching proper feelings for you! I think these little meetings should stop, your taken! And from
The looks of it your happy in your relationship

Me: hmm

She was right but me and aleisha have been fucking with each other way before me and Chloe got together, I
Got dressed and left her yard. I made my way to Chloe's to see why she was airing me, when I got outside the door I could hear bare shouting. I could hear someone crying then Chloe opened the door and stormed out:

Me: what's going on?


She pushed passed me then started jogging down the street, her mum and a man came out. Andre was pulling up in his car, her mum had tears pouring out her eyes whilst the man just looked angry. I decided to go after Chloe since she was the reason I was here, she didn't get far she started walking once she got round the corner:

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