Chapter 37- Part 1.

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This was my life now and I was kind of getting used to it I knew when to speak and I knew when Marvin wanted me to shut up, I wasn't out as much as I used to be and I've put the modelling thing on hold; Marvin told me he hated seeing me in barely nothing at these shoots. Instead of me going out to work he paid for everything I could ever need he literally gave me everything I asked for, I'd find myself crying when he was out I would literally just break down and cry. I haven't seen Leshaya in weeks and it was killing me; Andre said he didn't want her around 'HIM' I knew he wouldn't hurt her but the way his temper is set up I wasn't 100% sure, When I spoke to Leshaya on the phone she seemed happier; Andre and his 'Fiance' Samantha were looking after my baby good and that's all that I really wanted.

Today we were flying out to 'Paris' for one of Marvins business meetings he didn't want me at the actual meeting but he wanted me waiting at the apartment for him; he said he didn't trust me he knew what I was like when it came to men. I packed the night before so we didn't have to rush in the morning; when he came into the bedroom he placed his lips on my neck and told me he loved me. He told me to close my eyes so I did when he told me to open them he was on one knee with a diamond ring in his hand; Inside my head I was thinking he was crazy to think I'd ever marry him but I said Yes. I knew if I said no he'd make my life worse and I didn't want that I just wanted everything cool; it's like he could read my mind.

We made our way to the airport in his range but the journey was silent I didn't bother speak till he made conversation with me but he didn't. My phone rang but I knew if I answered he'd start giving me a lecture about letting him answer the phone, I checked the caller and saw it was Andre. I knew I had to answer but I declined it; now my mind was in over drive and I was thinking the worst. Marvin handed me his suitcase and told me to wait by the departure gate as he was going toilet; I listened to him obediently then took my phone out my pocket. I called Andre back but it went straight to voicemail; I called his mum and she answered straight away.

Me: I had a missed call from Andre is everything okay with Leshaya?

Andre's mum: You need to make your way to the hospital.. Leshaya has broken her arm whilst at school..

Me: How's she done that? tell him I'm on the way now.

And that's exactly what I did.. I waited for Marvin to come out the toilet and told him what had happened; he didn't look impressed at all in fact he was looking at me like I was lying. The time he was stood talking to me I could have been at the hospital with my baby girl; He told me he'd cancel the trip but I told him he should go as it would make him more money, he checked the time then told me to call him as soon as I reached the hospital. Marvin handed an envelope with a wad of cash inside and told me to 'treat myself'; I didn't kiss him goodbye I just ran to get a taxi.


When I got the call from Leshaya's school my heart sunk I automatically thought something terrible happened to her; obviously breaking a bone is painful but I'm glad it wasn't anything too bad. Samantha was already near her school so she picked her up and took her straight to the hospital, I met them there and called India when I got there. She never answered me though which I expected; this new man she was with was very controlling and she couldn't see it she was 'In love' me and India will always have this bond and obviously yeah we've had a child together so its expected but this bond was different. It's like we were supposed to meet each other the way we did (through Chloe) she's been around most of my family from young she already knew what to expect; back in the day when we were younger and people would tell me about the shit she did I wasn't trying to listen. Like I was older around them times but young at the same time, my mindset wasn't how it was now which is to be expected; anyways as she grew older she matured.

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