Chapter 25- Deep Thoughts.

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I was sat in the car with holly and her 'new' man, he wasn't ugly but he wasn't nice either just a standard black boy. When we got to the apartment there was people stood outside smoking, Omar got out the car and started talking to some of his boys. Holly stepped out the car in a way she knew would get her attention, i smiled to myself cause she was trying way to hard. When we got inside there was music playing and girls were sat on the chair with there legs crossed looking all stush; this just wasn't my scene i could tell already. Omar smiled at me again then asked me if i wanted a drink, i shook my head and sat in the corner with holly. She smiled at me then stood up, she walked over to Omar and he put his arm round her waist. They looked like a proper couple but that wouldn't last long, i knew exactly what she was like; I was already started to get bored. Andre sent me a text which got me smiling, Holly walked back over and sat on my lap:

Holly: why you sat in the corner like this, get up dance? come on!

Me: Your doing the most uno, you don't need to impress him you know. I'm sure he likes you for you.

Holly: It's not even that

Me: so what is it then?

Holly: we can't talk right now india..

She got off my lap and sat on the chair on her phone, she knew i was right that's why she didn't like it.


I was still sat in the same corner but i was starting to feel tipsy, Holly was gone for ages i knew exactly what she was doing with Omar. The fact that she brought me here annoyed me, simply because she hasn't introduced me to anyone she just brought me here for herself to look good. I decided it was time for me to go, i knocked on the bedroom door where Holly was; she was sat on the bed staring at her phone. Omar was stood near the window smoking weed, she walked over to me and asked what was up. I told her i was ready to go, she begged me to stay with her cause she didn't know anyone:

Me: This just isn't my thing..

Holly: just for a little while then i'll come with you

She practically begged me to stay so like the mug i am i did, I sat back in the main room and took a few more swigs of ciroc. Omar and i kept locking eyes which i felt was weird, Holly looked so pissed off but i didn't wanna ask her what was up. Andre messaged me again and said he was missing me,i smiled to myself then texted him back and asked him what he was doing later on. He told me sleeping cause he had work in the morning, i didn't reply after that; i decided i might aswel enjoy myself while i could. I walked over to omar and his friends and started bussing convo like i knew them, Omar said i was looking bare nice tonight. He then asked if he could have my number i laughed and reminded him he had holly, his friends started laughing and told him he was silly for cuffing her. I wanted to ask why but holly was literally staring at me, i waved for her to come over but she stayed where she was:

Me: this party needs to be livened up or something, swear everyone is falling asleep

He told me to play some bashment so i did, i was drunk at this point and really didn't care. I stood in the middle and started dancing, i felt someone come behind me and dance with me. Then girls started standing up and dancing with me, Holly was still sat on her phone when i saw Omar grab her hand. He then whispered down her ear and she started smiling, I laughed and gave her a quick smile.


I woke up on the chair sleeping next to some Asian girl, I lifted my head up and felt it pounding. I felt sick too, i got up quickly and ran to the bathroom. There was somebody asleep on the floor with a pile of sick next to them, I lifted the toilet seat up and started throwing up. The person on the floor woke up and looked bare disgusted, i helped the girl up and gave her some tissue to wipe her mouth she thanked me then asked me if i was okay:

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