sure did Barbie

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*hey guys here is part three, just to let you know i don't have a scheduled time when I am going to wright and I'm not planning on having one, AND I need to have a new cover for this book! i would be highly thankful if someone was kinda enough to make one, good bye and enjoy!*

I woke up to my stupid alarm clock! it was my favourite song though. Lost boy by Ruth b

I reach my arm up in the air ready to slam dunk the snooze button but my mum walked pass the door and without even looking at me she said "don't think your going to click snooze, Danni you have school today. aw shiz. "urgh okay"

"um what's with the attitude Missy, don't think you can talk to me like that again" she growled

"fine, I'm sorry mum" I reply sarcastic

"um Danni, no, you don't speak to me like that, I'm your mother for goodness sake!" she chirps angrily,

I don't know why but after my birthday, my head decided that I'm going to be a total bitch to everyone, and it going to stay like that.

I don't know, I kinda like the rebel side of me .I mean I know its wrong to be bitchy to your mother but seriously, I like this. anyway I don't want to be bullied at school any more, and if I'm going to be a bad ass I better get started now because I've go tot get used to being like this.

i get up and give my mum the evils (it means evil eyes.) and act like I didn't hear what she had said before.

"I don't like this new attitude" my mum comments.

"well mother, I don't care." i start up now getting a tiny bit angry.

"DANNI!" she shout at me grabbing my arm. I yank it away and shout


I don't know where all this confidants has came from but its here.

"URGH just get ready, NOW" she says. wow i never new she would let it go that easily. I'm going to be a lot more like that in school.

I walk over to my new walk in wardrobe and smirk, today's going to be fun.

I pick out a united kingdom crop top witch shows off so much boob, I also pick out a pair of light blue denim high weigh short shorts which I absolutely adore. I'm gotta try and fit in today and maybe ill try become popular. I take out some black dolly shoes and make my way towards my on suit bathroom. I open the newly painted white door and put my clothes on the toilet seat. I strip down and jump into the shower. I turn it on and straight away turn in the freezing getting me to wake up more. I then put it on to hot and it adjusts nicely.

i finished showering and took the towel i left on the floor and wrapped it round my body .I finished drying and slipped my outfit on. I waddled over to my desk and applied my everyday make up.

once I was done with everything I headed downstairs and into the kitchen snatching an apple and my my bag. I headed toward the door and shouted my goodbye. I managed to eat all of my apple before unlocking my car and sliding myself into my seat. the drive was only ten minuets to get there so I drove slowly. I still had 20 minuets until school started. I got to the school in good timing and drove into the parking lot. I heard a bunch of gasps and people saying stuff like 'is that the new guy?' or 'omg i need his car.' I smirked to myself as I opened my car door. i stepped out into the fresh air, hearing more and louder gasps. I smiled and made my way towards what look like the entrance. as soon as I stepped in I saw peoples heads turning to look my way. everything went silent. "oh for fuck sake its not like you haven't seen a bloody girl before" i snort. i hear some girl say 'oh my gosh, she's English'

"no shit Sherlock can you not see?" I say louder pointing to my top earning a couple chuckles and giggles. I turn away annoyed that everyone here was dumb. I look towards the end of the corridor and spot what I think is reception. i sigh happily making my way toward it and stopping right at the counter. the lady looked up at me and smilies she seemed kind.

"I'm Daniela Davidson." i smiled at her. god I'm tired as fuck. I stayed up all night last night thinking about today. the lady smiled again and nodded picking up what look like a timetable off what lessons I have. 'thank you' I say quietly turning around to walk off, but I was stopped but someone standing in front of them.

"hey babe" this guy says smirking, I look up at him and laugh. wow he thinks I be whipped by him? nah "hey dick" I reply trying to walk past him only to have him step in my why again.

"look I've got to go, now if you refused to move, id be glad to make you move myself" I say remembering my fighting skills. my mum told me I would need them if I was ever attacked. I guess this is the right time. "ah feisty. I like" he smirked. I tried to walk passed him again but he just block me.

"don't tell me I didn't warn you." I said straight smiling

"Wha-" he started before I brought my knee up and hit him in the balls as hard as i can. he fell to the ground in pain

"that wasn't so hard now, was it?" I say bending done towards his face acting sweet .I can have more fun with this i thought. "aw shit, did it actually hurt you that badly?" I say acting concerned and giving him a hand to help him get up. he takes hold of my hand and gets up in pain. "sike" I say kicking out his legs from underneath him. he falls to the ground again. I then hear,

"omg, baby are you aright?" running towards us, urgh looks like a skank. she looks at him concerned, and then looks at me with hate. "did you do this to him?" she says giving me the evils.

I smirk before saying "sure did, Barbie"

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