Player boys?

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ALL OF THE OTHER BOYS, how could I forget the ultimate player boys. The caller id romeo came into view.
"Who's Romeo?" Jack says snooping over my shoulder. "Um. No one don't worry "
I answered the call and brought the phone to my ear, "are you at sky high?" I'm guessing romeo asked me. "Um how'd you know?"
"Oh I don't know, let me guess, your the only person I've ever seen with a turquoise lambo? Maybe that's how." He says sarcastically I chuckled and smiled
"Yeh I'm at sky high, with my, um friend?" I say
" oh ok cool were coming in. By the way hunter asked is she hot?"
"Your friend"
I burst out laughing trying to catch my breath.
"Yeh he is very hot"
Jack looks at my and smirks,
"I'm hot?" He questions, damn it!
"Maybe" I say blushing
"Aw is little badass blushing" he says in a baby face pointing at me, "stop it" I say smacking his finger away.
"Hayyyyyyyyyy" I hear in the distance. I look up to see all 5 boys running toward me.
"Oh fucks sake" I mutter under my breath.
"Hey babe." one boy says.
"Babe? Right that can stop right now, my names danni ok? Not babe."
I say seeing jack smirking
"Any way player boys I don't know your names, still."
"I'm Romeo!" the bandana boy shouts.
"I'm James" one boy says in a very deep voice
"I'm hunter" another says smirking
"I'm Jay!" One shouts
"I'm Peter" one says shyly
"Well player boys this is jack" I say gesturing to jack.
"Hey, ain't you guys supposed to be in school?" Jay says I giggle a little before replying.
" oh so your ditching?" James asks
"Yep" jack replies
"What happened?" Peter asked
"Long story short, Molly's a bitch and has a cheating boyfriend," I say
"Wait what?" Jack says
"He tried to get in ma pants!" A say
"That doesn't mean it's cheating."
"Yeh well if she was your girlfriend you wouldn't do that would you?"
"First ew, second you do kinda look sexy today."
"What? No your meant to side with me!"
"Well I don't believe he did, I think your over reacting."
"I don't over react jack, I wouldn't of kneed him in the balls if he didn't try anything on me."
"Whatever, I still don't believe you, he's my mate, he wouldn't do that to his girl, even if it was molly. And right now you just being a bitch."
"You know what fuck off, get your own ride back to school you dick head." After that I took two steps off towards the exit before pausing. I turned back around to see him smirking. All the other guy were just staring intensely. I take my half empty drink and took the lid off before dumping it on jacks head. " bye dick."
I say before turning back around and taking off.
" danni wait up." I hear I turn around and elbow him in the stomach. Shit.
" omg Peter I'm so sorry I thought you were jack." I say upset
"It's alright don't worry." He said brushing it off.
"Yeh don't worry he's a dick" Romeo said
"Yep, and btw the slushy will be really hard to get out his hair." Jay says
"Good, wait how do you know?" I ask
"Some girl done it to me" he said with a frown
" aw poor Jay" I say jumping up t o ruffle his hair.
"Any way you guys can go off now, I need to go somewhere." I say a plan forming on my mind.
They all look at each other's and nod
"We wanna come with you." Romeo says.
"You can but I'm going home and then to the nearest fighting gym." I state
"Ooooo awesome."
"Ok we're coming." I smile and get into my car.
"A couple of you guys can join me if you want."
"We can't" Jay says
"Why not" I say pouting
"We walked here. It wouldn't be fear for the one person who had to walk" he replies
" oh, Romeo could sit on someone's lap?"
"Aw why me?"
" because your the smallest."
"Actually, you are" he states
"Yeh well I ain't letting any of you driving my baby"
"Awww" I hear coming from the back of the group
"Danni Jay is the best driver in town please!"
I sigh " ok fine but if there's one scratch on my baby. I will beat you black and blue, ok?"
I get out my baby and wait for everyone to get in.
Jay in the front driving with Romeo by his side and the others in the back.
"Who's Lap am I sitting on?" I question
"Mine!" James, Peter and hunter yell.
" I'll pick then."
"Hunter" I say hearing a yassssss in return. I chuckled while climbing onto his lap. He raps his arms around my waist and I feel him smirk into my hair.
"Hey babes." He whispers into my ear so only I can hear
"Don't call me babes" I whisper back.
"Sorry babe" he remarks earning an elbow in the stomach. "Aw shit!" He screems, I'm not surprised that one I done hard. I slowly inch my way onto James lap feeling his arms pull me over and raps onto my stomach. Everyone's head turns to me.
"What he called me babes twice!" I say hearing chuckles.
"Well it God damn hurt!"
I giggle " I know" I reply.
"Jay turn left." I say as we turn onto my road. All the other houses on my road were a pretty normal size but mine. Mine was huge. By now school was finished so I wouldn't get told off by my mum. The only thing I would get told off for is for 5 hyper active boys coming into our house. "Jay stop here." I say. " but this is a mansion.
"I know"
"Wait you live here?"
"No I'm just going to break in" I say as sarcastically as I can.
I walk up to the gate and the guard eyes up the boys trailing behind. He lets me in and quickly shuts the gate on the boys.
I look at him bewildered
"Um excuse me, could you let the in?" I say annoyed
"Miss Davidson said no guesses round for the next 3 weeks while she's away."
"Away? Where has my mum gone?!" I shout inching closer
"She's gone on a business trip to Brazil. Miss"
I sighed , for three weeks!? I knew this was going to happen.
"I don't care let the boys in." I say getting annoyed.
"Miss, I can't let-"
"I'll give you a thousand dollars in cash." I say his eyes open wide and so do the boys. The guard opens the gate to allow the boys in and I pay the guard using some of the money I took about my bank.
"Thank you"
I say to the guard. He nods his head.
," danni you didn't have to do tha-" Peter started.
" but I did, get over it."I say quickly
I unlock the door and open it.
"Thomas!?" I shout loud enough to make all the boys cover there ears. I see Thomas enter the room were in and say
"Hey danni, a-and b-boys?, mum said you have to baby sit me until she gets back. And um danni a word?"
"For three weeks?! Boi your one your own. And sure."
I walk with him to the kitchen while the boys went up to my room.
"Danni! We're not allowed people over! How did the guard let them in?!" He shouts.
"I gave him money! Plus no one needs to know, and by the way I am not babysitting you!"
"Yes you are, or I'll tell mum!"
"What's she gunna do!"
"Shell take your money out your bank." He states.
"Urgh fine! Go play I'm going up stairs."
"No I'm coming with you"
"Um not your not your so going to your room."
", I'll phone mum!"
"Your an arse. Get In my room." We rush upstairs into my room to find all the boy dancing to we can't stop by Miley Cyrus. Thomas laughs uncontrollably at their terrible dance moves.
The music stops and Romeo comes up to Thomas and ruffles hip is hair,
"who this lil nugget"
"My brother, I have to babysit so I guess the fighting gym isn't happening so we'll go to mc Donald's instead" I say
"Fuck yeh!" Thomas shouts and all the boys stare at me blankly.
"He's aloud to fucking swear now get up your arses to the garage, well lend you a car."
We go into the garage seeing my mothers lambo and some porches, range rovers and more lambos.
"Um Thomas, Romeo and Peter your coming with me." I turn around and search through to keys on some pegs
"And um the rest can go in, a porch or a Range Rover"
"Aww. Why can't we have a lambo?" Hunter whines
"Because you'll break it. Now Range Rover or porch?"
"Range Rover!" Jay shouts
"Ok here the key, well meet you at McDs!"
I walk to my car with the others and I hear
"Shotgun!" I turn around hearing "awwws"
"Yes Thomas, I thought you well" thomas gets in the front with me and we drive out of my house.
*at mc Donald's*
I sit down with all the food, witch is a lot of food I may add. And smile. "Food!"
I shout "um Thomas do a test please?" I say sweetly trying to make it so no one hears. He doesn't like people knowing he has diabetes. To him it embarrassing. He gets out his device and does a blood test, coming out with the answer 6.8
"Well done bro." I say, by now all the boys are staring.
"Do you wanna tell em'" I say, he nods his head no and I understand, the boys are looking at me waiting for an answer, "you heard the boy he doesn't wanna tell you guys" I say loudly.
I get his pen out my bag along with a needle.
"Do 11 Thomas" I say handing him his pen and needle. He lifts up he take the plastic over of the needle and screws it onto the pen. Hey lifts his shirt up and the whole restaurant it staring now. He stabs the needle into his skin and winces. Once he had released all the insulin inside him he took the needle out. He looked uncomfortable and upset. He got up form his chair and said "I'm going to the bathroom" with tears in his eyes, I wasn't going to say anything, I didn't want to disconfert him any more. It's because of the staring. I've had enough of this. I wanted the whole room- wait no fuck that, I want the whole world to know, it's wrong to stare.
I take my phone out my pocket and hand it to Jay telling him to record. I drag a chair to the middle of the room. And start
"IM DISGUSTED, HOW DARE YOU ALL STARE AT MY BROTHER. YOUR ALL RUDE HORRIBLE PEOPLE, HE HAS DIABETES AND WAS DOING HIS INJECTION, AND YOU ALL FELT THE NEED TO STARE! HOW DISCONFFERTING DO YALL THINK THAT IS? HEY! YOU WOULDNT STARE AT A DOWN SYNDROME KID OR A KID IN A WHEEL CHAIR BUT YOU DECIDED ITS A GOOD A IDEA TO STARE AT THAT. HES JUST LEFT THE ROOM WITH TEARS IN HIS EYES. BECAUSE OF YOU! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. I SWEAR IF MY FAMILY GET KICKED OUT OF ANOTHER RESTAURANT AGAIN BECUSE SOMEONE FINDS IT DISTURBING I WILL CRY. THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW THAT YOU DONT STARE! I FIND IT HORRIBLE, now I would like to apologize for my out burst I was annoyed. Thank you." Suddenly I hear a bunch of clapping from behind I turn around to see the boys. All clapping. Soon enough other people are and the workers. Everyone I walk to the bathrooms and see that there's a boys and a girls, I don't care. Fuck this. I walk into the men's and see my brother. Lying not the floor Unconscious, with glucose tables in his hand. I rush over to him and scream.i struggle to pick him off of the floor. He tried to kill himself. I have him in my arms and run into to the restaurant .
"HELP, SOMEONE CALL 911! PLEASE HELP!" Tears were streaming down my face. I
Set him down a table in the middle of the room that no one was one. I so scared and there's nothing I can do! I start feeling dizzy and tired and I'm struggling to stay awake. I soon too fall unconscious.

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