Ch. 1 Let The Good Times Begin!

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*Yes, the title is spelled how I want it :) lol. Enjoy!*


It is a beautiful day for a beautiful girl. The early morning sun shining through her open window and a gentle breeze playing with the curtains hanging alongside. She is already awake, stretching at the side of her bed, a silent yawn passing through her lips. She slowly moves to her wardrobe and picks out her dress for the day, a slender, short purple dress.

The joy shining through her can be seen as a faint glow surrounding her entire being. As she leaves her room, the servants outside of her door immediately smile brighter and become happier. Who couldn't love working for such a wonderful princess? No bows or curtsies were given as she passes, according to her wishes. She doesn't want to feel special... she is just like them, except with a crown that she rarely ever wears... and her wings. These are as tall as she and just a little wider than her shoulders. Her wings were unique in that they change color with her moods.

She flutters to the highest balcony in the castle and perches herself on the rail. Overlooking the kingdom, the sun's rays casting a beautiful glow, she feels that all is perfect in her world.


"They see me mowin' my front lawn, I know they're all thinkin' I'm so white and nerdy. I'm just so white and nerdy!" My friend Katherine and I belt out. We burst out into hysterics as my door flies open revealing my eleven year old sister.

"Shut up you two!" She screams at us before slamming my door shut. I look at Katherine and she stifles a laugh, which sets me off again.

"Oh my gosh!" I hear my sister yell in exasperation, Sadie-Belle Faeth Millicent, knock it off!"

I crash on my bed, unable to complete our karaoke song due to obsessive laughter. Katherine sits down beside me, still giggling.

"Kathy, we only have one more day of school left in our junior year. I won't see you all summer so what are we going to do?"

"I don't know." She sighs.

"I wish I could bring you with us..."

"We've tried convincing my parents, it's a losing battle."

You see, here's our problem: I leave in a week to spend the summer in Florida. I cannot possibly survive an entire summer without my best friend!

My mom walks into my room. "Girls, I have a plan." She says, smiling.


"Catch that dog!" Someone yells as a cute little boxer pup runs by me. I instantly take off after it, weaving in and out of people. I finally just gave up and dove through the sand, barely grabbing the pup.

"Wahoo! I got it!" I exclaim as I stand up... only to realize that sand is now in every little bit of my bikini... Every. Uncomfortable. Little. Bit.

"Wow, thanks so much. I would have never caught him." A rather attractive young man comes up and takes the pup from my hands.

"You're very welcome." I say as polite as I can.

"So, you from around here?" He asks me, flirting.

"Nope, just on vacation. You?"

"Live thirty minutes away." He smiles at me, but after taking a glance past me he looks scared and nervous.

"Um, uh, I have to go. Goodbye."

I turn around to see what the boy was scared about... only to come face-to-chest with an extremely buff guy. I cower away before looking up the sky-scraper of a guy, who actually does look scary... like he could kill a person with just his pinky finger.

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