Ch. 3 Well, That Was Unexpected.

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Chapter 3:

Kathy looks at me intently, waiting on my answer. But I just stare right back at her, mouth agape. Does she really not see the way that Drew and I act around each other? The way we talk and look at each other? We've only known each other a couple of days, but come on! Even the old lady noticed something was in between us!

She looks at me expectantly, "So," she draws out the word, "would you do that? For me?"

"Kathy, it's just that Drew and I have this connection, and he doesn't even seem to like to talk to-"

"You know what? Don't even give me this bull crap! You just want Drew all to yourself!" she screams at me.

How does she even come up with that? "Kathy, that's not it-" I try but she cuts me off again.

"Yea, whatever. I'll call him, and then you can tell me that we don't have anything." she sneers at me as she calls him with my phone.

I sigh and wait. He answers on the second ring, his voice perky and loud. "Sadie Belle! I was just about to call you! So, I was wondering, would you like to go out with me tomorrow? Maybe grab a bite to eat, and stuff. I can't tell you what exactly we're going to do so just consider this date the "Surprise!" one! How does that sound?"

Kathy glares at the phone before snapping at him, "Sorry, this isn't Sadie, but I'm sure she'd love to do that."

She then throws the phone beside me and stomps out of the room. A few moments pass before I realize that Drew is still on the phone. "Um, Drew? Yea, I'd love to do that."

"Awesome!" he shouts, and I can almost visualize him fist pumping in a cluttered bedroom. Suddenly I hear a loud crash sound on his end of the phone.

"What was that?"

"Um.... Nothing?" it sounds like a question. Maybe he really was doing a fist pump. "Anyways, I'll be there to pick you up at 5:30 tomorrow! Bye!"

"Bye" I mumble into the now-dead line.

I see something flash in the corner of the room and quickly divert my eyes towards it. Drifting to the floor were little pieces of glitter. It is... hypnotic.

Suddenly, I'm no longer in my little condo bedroom, and I'm now in a garden full of these flowers covered with the same glitter I found in my room. "Beautiful." I whisper as a walk around.

"As are you, madam." A boy clad in servants' garb says to me, bowing lowly.

As a scarlet blush paints my cheeks, I reply, "Thank you, and who might you be? Also, where are we?"

"Well, miss, you are inside of King Michael's castle in the kingdom of Amedee. I am his one and only Page boy and I do believe you are lost." He pauses, looking at me thoughtfully, "Who are you?"

Plucking a flower, I reply, "Sadie Belle Faeth." No need to tell my last name, right?

His mouth falls into an "O" shape, "You're Sadie Belle? I must tell the King! He shall be so excited!"

But just as he turns to leave, the glitter falls off of the flower and into my hand. While I am mesmerized by it, I realize that my surroundings have changed and I am now back in the room.

"You know what? Whatever. Have him, keep him, after that phone call he's not even worth it. What were you doing just now, sleeping?" She sucks in a sharp breath, "I'm done. Sorry, please forgive me. Still best friends?"

I nod to her, still entranced. Was that really a dream? No way! I look down into my hand, where the flower still lies. As she hugs me, she notices the flower. "Oh, for me? Thanks so much!" 

She takes the flower and prances out of the room like nothing ever happened.

Times like these made me wonder how I was friends with her... she was my opposite in almost every imaginable way! We didn't like the same foods, clothes, or boys (except on occasion, because he's hot). Even our bodies are completely different: she has light hair, I have dark. My eyes are amber, hers are brown. I'm tall, she's short, but we are both thin. She's the outgoing, speaks-her-mind, party type whereas I'd rather hide in a corner and avoid conflict.

With dreams of Drew and magic flowers awaiting me, I drift off to sleep.

The next morning was nothing short of peaceful. With my windows open and allowing the ocean breeze to blow through, I welcome the sense of serenity that filled me. But by ten o' clock I left the condo, already too bored to sit in there by myself for any longer.

For the first time since getting here, I like being by myself to walk around the town. I trek around, enjoying a muffin from a bakery as I look at the scenery. It is all very nice and detailed, but this town is just like the others: tall buildings, fancy plants, and sculptures. It becomes lunchtime and I make my way back to the condo, where I find Kathy making lunch.

"Oh, can I have some of that?" I ask as I sit on the counter.

She nods and peeks at me from the corner of her eye, "Where have you been all morning? I had to get checked out by hot guys on the beach all by myself!"

We both laugh at this before I tell her what I had done. After I finish, she launches into her own story, "Well, I went to the beach today. Guess who was there!" She doesn't pause to let me guess, "Robbie! So we flirted and spent a couple hours together and even exchanged numbers! It was totally awesome!" She shrieks.

I laugh at her and we move on to eat lunch. After lunch we go outside and get our tan on, which leads to me falling asleep and probably getting burnt crispy.

Before I knew it, I have to rush around and get ready for my date. At five o' clock I am still standing in my room with my robe on looking for an outfit, completely ready to go except for the fact that none of my clothes were what I was looking for.

'Why must this be so difficult?' I ask myself before finally finding a decent outfit.

I hadn't been dressed for more than a minute when the doorbell rang. "I got it!" I holler as I slip on my shows and skip to the door.

"Hey," I begin as I open the door and then I see who it is so I continue with, "person who is not Drew."


Dun dun dun! Who's at the door?! Well, props to me for updating, right? Please leave a comment, maybe click that there vote button :) love you all!

Remember: laughing is good for the soul. :)

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